Chapter 6

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"She is not here anymore." The guy said, frowning his eyebrows. "But the necklace is still here." He added, chuckling darkly.

"That means she still didn't find the Necklace?" One of his fighters said, the man caressed his Crystallized wand and smirked evilly.

"Exactly, let's split up. The queen will love it when we find the necklace, then we will be the most powerful creatures had ever lived in the Supernatural world!" He said, grinning devilishly. His fighters looked at each other with lust for power in their eyes.


"Freya? Freya!" Freya snapped out of her thoughts as soon as she heard Evera calling for her.

"Sorry, I just saw a vision.." She said Apologetically, Evera looked at her with a confused expression, she was about to open her mouth to ask Freya, when the door opened, revealing the five guys with the drinks and food.

The guys looked at the girls confused, because Freya's face was paler than usual, her snow skin was turning blue. Friollo panicked and Immediately went towards Freya worriedly.

"Hun, are you alright?" He asked, worriedly.

"N-no, I'm fine. Just feel too cold than usual," Freya didn't know how to explain, because even when Friollo is already here, she was still feeling very cold, as if Friollo was not with her.

"But you're snow is turning too cold for me." Friollo said, frowning.

"I.." Freya couldn't say anything, she never felt this kind of cold. Before she could speak again, the door swung open with a bang.

"Kaan, what's wrong?" Drayce said with a little frown, because he was the one closer to the door that made him shock.

"The Kingdom, it's in a big snow storm! your mate is in danger King Friollo." Kaan said with a terrified expression, making Friollo's heart fall.

"What do you mean Kaan?" Friollo asked Immediately.

"Your mate is staying too long in the dragon realm, even if she's with you, her dragon is in pain, causing her powers to get out of control and.. if it is not fixed soon, she'll freeze." Kaan said, making the people inside the room terrified.

"WHAT SHOULD WE DO!?" Friollo yelled, his eyes was begining to sting and a tear Immediately fell, which made the people in the room gasp.

"My King, the Necklace. It's in the Human realm, and she's in the dragon realm, the string of them cannot hold much longer, especially she is turning blue and is freezing cold, which means.. someone who is magical is searching for the necklace. You need to find it, before those magical creatures could." Kaan explained clearly.

"What if we couldn't?" Friollo said, his hands shaking uncontrollably.

"The one that gets the Necklace can summon her, but she won't freeze, instead.. she needs to do everything the person asks her too, because the person will have the power to hurt her." Kaan said, sighing heavily.

The people inside got down on their knees with alot of force, except Evera and Freya. The thought of someone, hurting Freya, boiled Friollo's blood.

"DAMN, EVERYONE! WE NEED TO FIND THE NECKLACE, IMMEDIATELY!" Friollo roared, making everyone in the room look down, still except Evera and Freya.

Friollo looked at Kaan and the Sorcerer Immediately understood, he summoned the Portal from the human realm, the only magic he learned from someone else, which is Evera.

"Everyone let's go, Kaan, you should take care of Frey-" before Friollo could finish his sentence, Kaan cut him off.

"Absolutely not your Majesty, it is very risky and dangerous for all of us, she needs to go with you. Now that you're with her, the necklace will get more attracted towards you." Kaan said with a serious expression this time, making Friollo sigh in defeat.

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