Chapter 13

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"We'll be together soon, sweetheart."

"Indeed, we will."

I heard two people talking but I couldn't open my eyes, I then heard them chuckling softly.

"Snowflakes, snowflakes dance around,
Snowflakes, snowflakes touch the ground.
Snowflakes, snowflakes in the air,
Snowflakes, snowflakes everywhere.
Snowflakes, snowflakes dance around,
Snowflakes, snowflakes touch the ground— oof!" I heard a woman singing then she got cut off.

After a few seconds, I heard the two chucking sweetly.

"She kicked my tummy, our little baby girl is going to be very strong." The woman said, making me smile.

I slowly opened my eyes and I'm shock by what I could see around me, I am inside a woman's womb. How is this even possible? I was born in the snow, why am I on a woman's womb?

"Our little girl, Freya, will also be forever loved."

I woke up while panting terribly, what was that dream? And the man called my name, that means I was in the woman's womb.

But.. I was made by the snow. How could this be? I sat up, wiping my cold sweat when the door opened.

"Hey, you Snowball. Clean the Library today, make sure they are shiny." The guard said before closing the door again. I just sighed sadly before getting out of the bed.

At least the others are okay now, I miss them though.. I said to my self before wiping my frost that turned into water inside my eyes.

I took the things I need and went towards the big Library, I opened the door of the Library and closed it as soon as I'm inside.

I seemed to loose my strength as soon as I saw the Library, it's my first time cleaning the library and it was not a surprise they made a good mess for me to clean.

Books were scattered around the floor, dead lives and more things that can count as trash. I guess I have to clean all of these first.

I cleaned all the dead leaves first and after a few hours of cleaning the dead leaves of this Ginormous library, I started dusting the fallen books before arranging them all in their right places.

After that, I mopped the floor clean until I could see sparks, since the floors were made of Crystals. Inside of this place, some rooms are stuck as woods but some ginormous rooms are made of Crystals in the inside but still wood on the outside. You could say, it is doubled.

Their library is arranged with colors, but the Special books such as those that are needed are kept on a private room since the Queen doesn't like anyone getting to know about the secrets of the world or this realm, at least that's what I heard.

After around 8 hours of cleaning the whole Library, I took my things and got out feeling hungry, I spent 7 hours cleaning without taking a break, what do I expect? Of course no one would give me food while I'm working.

While walking, I heard a few voices talking to each other inside a room, I don't want to eavesdrop since I'm afraid to get caught, but I just have the urge to listen to them.

I stopped behind a wall and decided to listen to what they were talking about, it is the queen and her sister.

"I'm telling the truth, you must let go of her no matter how powerful she is! She has the blood of a fae, she is not just a winter dragon!" The queen's sister said, her voice were full of anger. What does she mean by that? I'm a fae? How could that be possible? There must be some sort of mistake!

"Then that's amazing, we will have a more powerful creature here." The queen said, her voice have a hint of boredom.

"Damn it, if we keep her here longer, the faes might attack us, she is not just a fae, she is a winter fae! You do know that they are worshipped by other faes, right!?" Her sister answered her.

"We defeated them last time, what's the point? They won't win." The queen answered, this time her voice held Authority.

"I'm sure you know how we didn't beat them with just us. We only managed to beat them becau—" Before her sister could finish the sentence, I heard footsteps getting near to where I was standing.

I Immediately but quietly took my things and floated towards my room, I opened the door before getting in, finally I managed to let my breath out.

I arranged my things and was about to seat on the bed when the door again opened with a guard standing beside it.

"Good Job on making the Library shiny, here is your reward." He said before sliding the tray of food towards me before shutting the door close.

At least I'll get to eat. I crunched down and took the tray of food from the ground before eating. Their foods are all Vegetables and fruits, so at least I can eat healthy.

But once I don't do a great Job and don't manage to clean everything well or if it is not clean enough, I won't get enough food for the day, so I would always make sure what I am cleaning is perfectly clean. Such a life really does exist, and I don't like it.

After eating, I placed the tray on the table beside my bed. Then what I heard before inside that room went to  my mind.

What does she mean by me being a fae? What is even a fae? Are faes powerful? Are they more powerful than dragons? Do Winter faes have snow skins too? Suddenly, I'm just very curious.

I was born from the snow, but suddenly, I am a fae? Then I dreamed of being a baby inside a womb. Seriously, who am I? Do I really have a mother? A family? If I did, what happened to me? What happened to them? What happened to Everyone? Everything? And who can even answer my hopeless questions?

But what I am really curious is about my name, come to think of it, I didn't even name my self, that name was already in my mind, at least that was just all I remembered, that my name is Freya.

Am I undead or something? Or did I get reborn? Who exactly am I? Am I a dragon, a Snow person or a fae? I don't know my self anymore. I have so many questions for myself.

I am the only one different here, I am not a human, or even just a human with supernatural powers, I don't have a blood, I'm not a werewolf or a vampire, like the others, I am not a fire dragon, I am the only winter dragon. Neither am I a witch or a sorcerer, or a mage.

If I am a fae, what do faes even look like? But faes have almost the same name as fairies, then should faes have human skins too? But I have a skin made of snow.

Evera once said that Unique and Rare things are beautiful, but it isn't enough to ease my feelings. I want to see people that are just like me, even a few of them.

I want to have a pack like the wolves, I want to have a family who look like me, Maybe cousins or other relatives. I want to hang out with people who have the same Appearance or powers as me.

I feel like I don't belong anywhere. And I really miss my mate. But first of all, I really need to know what are those faes, and why am I one of them. Hopeless.

Im'ma feel bad for my Freya, but soon all this will be over, don't you think so? Or will it be a bad ending? Ohhhhh.

By the way, Thanks for waiting for this Chapter, I always try to make it Interesting for you guys. 'Cuz I want to tell all of you that my next book will only be about Fantasy, maybe with a Few Supernatural, but mostly—Fantasy. It's only a secret on what kind of fantasy though.

Well, thanks for reading stars! And may we shine brightly. Mwuah!

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