Chapter 19

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"Before that, let's make the condition first." The Devil said and Drayce just nodded quietly.

"I will answer your question, but you must return as the Demon prince and turn back your position as a Dragon king. But no worries, your kids will stay the same as before. That's my only condition, the demons are getting weaker, you do know that the Demon prince is the only one who can do that Job. The king rules the demon, but the Prince gives power to demons. And your mother can only give birth once." The Devil said.

Drayce kept quiet, thinking about what the Devil said. He just smiled since it won't harm him to go back the way he was before. And besides, the throne will be taken by Friollo since the rightful dragon queen is back which is his mate, he will soon retire as a Dragon king.

"I accept." He answered, then he felt the heat radiation from his body and fire engulfed him and he felt so whole.

His clothes changed into a fine suit before the fire disappeared. He looked up and saw the Devil's form, he then smiled before bowing his head, his hands in front, and his legs crossed. His formal bow as a demon prince.

"Welcome back, Demon prince Damiello or shall I call Demon prince Drayce." The devil said, giving a one nod towards him.

"I'm back." Drayce replied, his eyes glowed red for a second.

"Now, I shall answer your question. There is only one way for a Sacrificial Soul to be saved. A devil is the only one who can save the soul. A soul of a Fairy, a Demon or a Hybrid is needed to be sacrificed to save a sacrificial soul. If your sacrificing another soul for that, bring the soul to me."

Drayce thought for a second before asking the devil.

"Is a very sinful soul allowed?" Drayce asked which received a laugh from the devil.

"The more sins, the more it taste better for us devils. If you give me a too sinful soul, I might owe you one." The Devil said with a smirk.

"Then I shall make my move." Drayce said before bowing his head once again with his legs crossed and ordered the door to open, meeting his father who was patiently waiting.

Looking back at Drayce, he could not help but be stunned, standing in front of him was a total reflection of his real son.

"You.. you're back as the demon prince? You are now my blooded son again?" His father asked, his eyes full of emotions.

"Yes, father. That was the senior devil's condition. Now I am not a Dragon but a demon prince." Drayce answered.

"Makes sense then, only our devil can reason with the fairy Goddess. Should I help you to search souls?" His father asked, but Drayce just shook his head as a no.

"I need the soul of the fairy queen. I'm guessing you still have it?" Drayce asked and his father gave him a joyful smile.

"Of course, besides. Her sins are too many that we can't finish her soul. But it taste incredibly amazing, I'm sure the Devil will love it. Especially that they can eat it in 1 second. Besides, it's a fairy queen, it's too delicious." His father answered, making Drayce smile.

After that, his father brought him to the soul chamber and there he saw the queen's soul, floating in the air. The soul was also dead since the goddess rejected it.

"I'll take her now." Drayce said and his father nodded.

Drayce took the soul and bowed to his father before flying out of the Chamber and towards the devil's lair.

Meanwhile, his father was smiling proudly. "Deonna is going to be very thrilled once she finds out our son is back." He said before taking off towards his lair.

Back to Drayce, he knocked on the door six times until it opened revealing the darkness once again.

Once she was inside and the door closed, the devil's form again appeared staring at the soul behind Drayce.

"That soul. It is the fairy queen and is still stuck with many sins, according to the Fairy Goddess, she rejected the soul, so I guess I can really eat it." The devil chuckled before the soul vanished behind Drayce.

"Now tell me the Sacrificed soul's name." The devil said. Drayce nodded before using his demon powers to find the Identity of Freya's mother out. Frieda kalisca.

"My liege, her name is Frieda Kalisca." Drayce answer politely. The devil nodded before closing his eyes.

After a few seconds, a sleeping soul of a beautiful woman appeared in front of him. After that, the woman's eyes started to open and stared directly at Drayce.

"A demon?" Then she also looked at her back. "And a Devil? What am I doing here? Why did you summon me instead of my daughter?" The woman asked with fear in her eyes.

"I didn't summon you, I revived your soul. But you will become a spirit for a long time." The devil said, Drayce was just listening quietly to them.

"I see, then I guess.." The woman looked back at Drayce. "Are you one of my daughter's friends?" The woman asked and Drayce nodded politely.

"Yes, I am. Nice to meet you Ma'am Frieda." Drayce greeted and the woman nodded softly.

"Please bring me to my daughter." The woman said and Drayce nodded in response.

"That I will. Senior Devil, Thank you." Drayce said, looking back at the devil, and the devil just nodded once.

"And thank you for the Sinful soul too." The devil replied calmly.

Drayce again did his Formal bow before walking out, followed by the soul of Freya's mother.

He then brought her to the Dragon realm and headed towards where Evera and the others are working. He opened the door using his demon powers, revealing Evera and the others inside.

Evera and the others faced the window with a fighting stance, looking at the unfamiliar demon and the soul.

But Evera recognized that demon face which was her husband. And Freya recognized the soul.



The both said in Unison hugging the person they called. Freya manage to hug her mother as if she wasn't a soul.

Freya was still hugging her mother while sobbing when Evera broke the hug and deeply looked at Drayce.

"What happened to you? Why did your demon Aura and style came back? And how did you manage to bring Freya's mother here when only Freya can summon her by herself? And why isn't she still disappearing right now?"

Evera asked one by one, making Drayce smile at her. This is really the woman he loves, his mate.

"It's one of the conditions. I need to return as a prince in order to save a sacrificial soul. Don't worry, me becoming a demon prince once again won't change anything about us as a family." Drayce assured her, caressing her hair before kissing her on the lips. "I will always be the Demon and the Dragon you love." Drayce said after breaking the kiss.

Evera smiled and slowly, her hair turned black and eyes turned red before it turned back to normal. Drayce shook his head in disbelief.

He forgot that he is now a demon prince once again, so everytime he would kiss Evera's lips, Evera's figure would change shortly. But that won't affect her race so it is fine. But he admit, Evera's demon form is deliciously sweet and beautifully dark.

Drayce shook his head in shame, 'Dark hormones of demons,' He said to himself.

Well.. What do you think? I decided to publish two chapters today since I felt like continuing it.

Do you like it? And what do you think about Drayce turning back into his old life?

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