Chapter 2

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I Immediately turned to snow and tried to find a doctor who is alone, when I finally found one, She had her back on me, I caressed her hair softly, putting her to sleep.

I then took her coat and put it on, also taking the things I might need before walking towards the direction where the people were begging.

Once I arrived, I immediately stepped out to the front, adjusting the face mask to hide my face.

"I can cure you," I said and the people snapped their heads towards me and became quiet for a few seconds before running towards me and started to beg.

"Please, Save my son,"

"Help my husband, please."

Alot of people started to beg in-front of me, making me anxious, 'I can do this'. I said to myself. I pointed at the woman with her sister since her sister's left body is already frozen and it is continuing it's way towards the right side.

She Immediately brought her shivering sister towards me and touched her forehead, letting all the ice get sucked inside my finger until it all vanished.

The people looked at me astonished as her sister stopped shivering and opened her eyes with a stunned expression.

"I'm okay? I'm okay!" She said before standing up and jumping as they hugged each other.

People began lining up infront of me one by one, asking for a cure and I already cured almost 20 of them.

"Thank you so much, Doc!" The woman said, hugging her son. They didn't even bother to ask me how I did all of it.

I smiled, even though they won't be able to see me and continued healing the rest, but when I was about cure the last one, doctors rushed towards me while shouting.

"Hey! Who are you!?"

"Why do you have such powers!?" They shouted at me which made my eyes widen and they Immediately looked at my coat and one of them blurted.

"Hey! You are not Shaella, Shaella is way too chubby and and she has a Tan skin! Who are you!?" The doctor asked in curiosity and shock, but it was not only the doctor that was shock, but also the patients I cured and the other doctors.

My heart began to beat really fast but I tried to compose my self since if I loose my mind, or forget about my powers because of anxiety and nervousness, it might snow inside here.

"I.. I mean no harm.. I just want to cure them because this is all my fault, please.." I begged, still thinking of not making snow because I don't want this hospital to snow too.

"What do you mean it's your fault? Who are you, really?" The Doctor asked with a frown, stepping forward while I was taking a step back. They can't see me, I'm a freak.

"Please.. Just let me cure the last one.." I said feeling my body and eyes become colder, oh no, I'm loosing my steady mind, I need to keep calm.

"Oh my god! It's snowing inside the hospital!" I heard some of the people shout which scared me. But the snow was not hitting them. I get it, my heart is again fighting with my snow to not touch a person.

I just decided to escape but was shock when I saw that I was surrounded, there are no available windows, I could only hear them earlier because I have sensitive ears.

"Please, just let me go.." I begged but they didn't listen, they continued to walk towards me with careful steps, I guess I don't have a choice.

I removed the clothes of the doctor and everything else while the other snows started to go towards me to cover me and after a few minutes, it became a white snow dress.

Frosted Fate. (Dragon Series 2.)Where stories live. Discover now