Chapter 30

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The light slowly dissipated and Kaan and the couple landed back softly on the ground.

"Finally, it's done." Kaan said, sitting on the grass before laying on it, breathing heavily. The ritual took so much of his energy, but it doesn't matter to him, as long as he did it for his my king and queen.

Meanwhile, Freya and Friollo slowly removed their foreheads from each other before smiling.

"That felt.. incredible." Freya and Friollo said at the same.

Friollo felt like he was actually worried for nothing. They both glance at Kaan and he immediately understood after looking at Kaan's pale face while breathing heavily.

The ritual was scary for the one who chants the ritual, not for the couple. Because the ritual takes the energy of the sorcerer.

He sighed heavily before crossing the candles with Freya and walking towards Kaan who was laying on the grass, obviously tired.

"You alright? Can you stand?" Friollo asked, trying his best to lift Kaan up but Kaan stopped him from doing so.

"I'll be fine in 3 days your majesty, maybe I can walk by myself." Kaan said, and he was about to stand up but when he did, his energy began draining with great speed and therefore, he fell on the ground, breathing heavier.

Friollo shook his head from Kaan's stubbornness.

He lifted Kaan but it almost made Kaan fly, he was so shock at how much his strength had increased just after the ritual.

"Be careful!" Freya exclaimed as soon as she saw Kaan almost fly out of Friollo's arms, it made her heart thud very hard.

Friollo just nodded before motioning for Freya to carefully lift Kaan up on his back.

Freya carefully held Kaan but she was also shock by how much her strength increased along with Friollo, but she was more careful until she successfully placed the sorcerer who is currently unconscious over Friollo's back.

"Our wings are glowing, it's beautiful." Freya said after noticing her mate's wings and hers. Friollo also looked at their wings with a stunned expression, it was very beautiful.

After that, they immediately carried Kaan inside the castle and towards his room just beside his office. Since he's the king, of course, he could open Kaan's door. But he only opens it in times in need just like this.

They laid him on the bed and covered him with his blanket.

"Do you know another sorcerer who could take his place temporarily? I believe that Kaan needs more rest. He had done enough to serve us for now. His energy is drained." Freya spoke while looking at Kaan.

"I do know someone, he is Drayce's sorcerer when he was still a dragon king, I guess now, he is Drayce's Assistant. But we could borrow him." Friollo said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Great, let's go then. After that, we can go to the place you mentioned me. What was that again? Sanctuary?" Freya asked while looking at the ceiling, deep in thought.

"Yes," Friollo said with a chuckle before taking a paper and a coal paint out of Kaan's drawer and writing on it to tell Kaan about their plans.

After that, the both held hands and got out of the room before closing Kaan's door.

"But Drayce might be busy with all the princely things, and we don't know any way to hell." Freya said but Friollo just winked at her.

"He might be, but I know where his Sorcerer lives." Friollo said and Freya sighed in relief.

They landed outside of Kris' house and Friollo knocked on the door.

After a few seconds, the door opened, revealing a man holding a book. As soon as he saw Friollo, his eyes went wide and he immediately made the book fly towards a desk with his powers before bowing in front of Friollo.

"My king, may I ask why you came here?" Kris' asked curiously, looking at the couple with an expectant expression.

"We are here to ask for a favor.." Freya said politely.

"Oh my, you don't have to. You can order me anything." Kris said nervously, scratching the back of his head.

Freya looked at Friollo and he just shrugged his shoulders at her.

"Uhm.. we want you to temporarily replace our sorcerer since he is currently resting due to his energy that got drained from the binding ritual." Freya said politely.

Kris' eyes had already gone wide as soon as he heard Freya's sentence. He couldn't believe it! He is going to be working with the winter dragon! Even if it is just temporary.

"I would love to!" Kris said with excitement which made Freya and Friollo smile.

"Should I start tomorrow?" Kris asked and Freya nodded.

"Yes, but just be careful inside Kaan's workshop. There must be some things that are important." Freya said.

"Don't worry, I was once a royal sorcerer too. I know the things that sorcerers hold dear. Besides, I might have some of it too, considering that I was once a sorcerer of the 2nd ranked kingdom." Kris explained with an assuring smile. Freya smiled at him before nodding.

"Great, you can go to the castle when you're ready. Friollo will mind-link them about you. Thank you for your willingness mister Kris." Freya said before bowing, making Kris shiver. A dragon queen is bowing at him!

"You.. don't have to bow your majesty. Why did you do that?" Kris asked in shock.

"Don't think about it too much. I'm just showing my respect for you. I might be a queen, but I consider you all as my family. We are all equal even though I have most of the superiority.." Freya said with a kind smile before waving at Kris and taking off.

Friollo patted Kris' shoulder lightly before taking off too, following his mate. Kris' couldn't recover from what just happened.

It was his first time meeting a winter dragon, but he knew that there wasn't a winter dragon as kind as the current queen.

The past winter dragons of course cared about their people too and treated them as family, but they never mentioned about being equal and would never bow to any of their people. Besides, they did have their own pride.

Just like some noble families, their head takes care of them, but their head would still stand proud and makes sure he's the one in charge always.

A smile graced Kris' lips before closing the door and started packing the stuff he needs before going to the castle.

On the other side, Freya and Friollo landed swiftly under the tree. She then looked at Friollo before speaking.

"Is there any waterfalls in this realm?" Freya asked expectantly but Friollo just shook his head in denial.

"We do have a few lakes of waters and a sea, but we don't have any waterfalls. High grounds here are only with smoking flames, but since you're here now, it also has smoking frosts too." Friollo said, shrugging his shoulders. Freya just nodded in understanding.

"Very well then, you won't mind if I make a waterfall myself, right? After that, we can continue to the Sanctuary." Freya asked cutely.

"Why would I mind? Baby, you're in charge. This is your world. You can do any renewing to make this place more beautiful." Friollo said with a smile. Freya frowned when she heard a word that is in correct in Friollo's sentence. She pointed at Friollo's nose before speaking.

"Ahem. This is our world, not just mine. You better keep that in mind." Freya said before placing her hands on her waist, acting like a mother, lecturing her child.

Friollo thought it was cute. He leaned in before kissing her lips tenderly, full of love. After breaking the kiss, he spoke.

"Yes, my queen. It's ours."


One chapter left and we're done with this book, I'll sure miss this two couple.

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