Chapter 21

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"Can you remove your hands now?" Freya asked her mate with a pout.

"No, not yet." Friollo answered with a small smile, and continued walking, making sure not to stumble on Freya.

When they arrived at their destination, that's when Friollo removed his hands in front of Freya's eyes.

Freya blinked for a few seconds, adjusting to the light and when she finally adjusted, she gasped in surprise. The place looks like an Island. No, it is an Island!

"What do you think? You like it?" Friollo asked with a big smile but he is a little worried that Freya does not like the surprise.

"Friollo! Gosh, where are we!?" Freya asked in amazement, a big smile plastered on her face. Seeing her expression, Friollo's worry Immediately disappeared.

"Welcome to Hawaii. For me, this is one of the most beautiful places in earth. But just for me." Friollo said with a big grin before clasping his hands together.

He then snaked his arm around Freya's waist before speaking again.

"Should I bring you to our hotel or you want to swim already?" Friollo asked, looking at her white skin.

Now that Freya finally bears the necklace, she can hide her snow figure and can look just like a lady with fair skin and white hair. In other words she now looks like a real human.

"I want to swim, but I don't know how.." Freya said with a pout. Friollo chuckled before removing his arm from her waist and holding her hand.

"Let me teach you then," Friollo said before pulling her towards the waters, Freya smiled excitedly, following after him.

"But wait, shouldn't we need something like what they are wearing?" Freya asked, pointing at the girls with Bikinis and guys with trunks.

Friollo looked at the other people with a cringe expression before looking back at Freya, shaking his head in disapproval.

"I have a better one for you in the car, let's go." Friollo said, Freya just nodded in agreement and they all went back to the car to get their Swimsuits.

Friollo then opened the trunk, he took Freya's swimwear and gave it to her before taking his.

They then both went towards the changing room, Friollo went to the Men's changing room while Freya hesitantly went inside the girl's changing room. She felt lonely when separated from Friollo.

But she just ignored it helplessly before going inside one of the changing rooms and changing into the swimwear, she then looked at it with a confused expression, wondering why it is different from the others.

After a few more seconds, she got out of the Changing room and saw Friollo already waiting for her.

Friollo looked at his mate with a satisfied smile before walking towards her and kissing her temple.

"Why are our clothes different from the others?" Freya asked with a confused expression, also looking at Friollo's swimwear.

Freya and Friollo were wearing a blue slash black swimwear with black shorts, partnered by long leggings.

"I don't like other people looking at your body, and so to be quits, I just bought a Swimwear for couples." Friollo said with a proud satisfied grin on his face.

Freya just stared at him with disbelief before chuckling softly, she didn't think that her mate is really this overprotective when it comes to her. She reminded herself that she should also be proud about owning him.

After that, they spent the day on the beach with Friollo teaching her how to swim, and you could say that Freya was struggling, practicaly.

They will somehow end up falling but laughing afterwards. In-short, they very much had fun.

The other people were also looking at them in awe, the both looked like a happy couple with a supportive husband teaching his wife how to swim and were like kids who would just have fun in the waters even when they fall down.

Freya was happy to learn how to swim and Friollo was also enjoying on teaching her how to swim. They both had a great time before heading towards the hotel where they will be staying.

They dropped their things inside the room since they will be staying for 3 days before going back to the dragon realm.

"I heard that it's going to be a Lunar eclipse tonight, do you want to see the moon later?" Friollo asked his mate with a soft smile, Freya's eyes widened and she jumped up happily with her hands clasped together.

"Really!? When I was still alone, I would always look at it, even the full moons. I love watching the moon and stars twinkling with the other stars." Freya said excitedly with a big smile over her face.

"I'm glad then, we will watch later." Friollo said before messing her hair.

As soon as the sun began to set, Friollo already led Freya out of the hotel and heading towards the beach, they then sad beside a big rock.

And when night came and the eclipse appeared, Friollo looked at his mate beside her, loving her beauty. For him, Freya was the most beautiful woman ever, especially if she's happy.

Her eyes were the most beautiful stars for him and she was his beautiful moon, and nothing could change that. Because he will always be her Sun who will give light to show her Beauty. And her space who will keep on accepting her and holding her close.

"Friollo, can I ask?" Freya asked suddenly. Friollo smiled, caressing her hair.

"Ask away, my love." Friollo said gently while looking at her tenderly.

Freya removed her gaze towards the moon and she looked at Friollo with a smile.

"Why did you bring me here? I mean, it's the best. But I thought you were busy." Freya said, eager to hear his answer.

"Well, since you will be crowned queen next week and we will get to control the whole dragon realm.. I figured we should spend more time before that happens, because we will be super busy on ruling the whole realm to even have a vacation. I want you to experience even once what it feels to travel in a different country in earth." Friollo replied, holding Freya's hand tightly, looking at her lovingly.

"A long time ago, before Evera and Drayce met, we never had a chance to visit this earth because the portal was broken. Many generations of Dragons were born and decades passed by, almost no one knew what the earth looked like. The Earth was a mystery to us, or just a legend. Until the portal finally got fixed, many things happened after that, but at the end, dragons finally saw how colorful the earth was. We traveled a lot of countries too, and I also want you to experience it. Who knows.. anytime the portals might get broken and it will again be hard for Evera to summon new ones. So before that even happens, I want you to see this beauty." Friollo explained, letting out everything inside his heart.

Freya once again felt touched. She could not deny that this man really is perfect even though others would always say no one is perfect in this world. Because for her, he was a perfect man. Her perfect man.

"Should I say thank you?" Freya said with a playful look to avoid shedding in tears which made Friollo chuckle.

"You eyes are glistening beautifully." Friollo replied, grinning. Freya blushed a little, hearing those words.

"I was just kidding, thank you love. I appreciate this. I am so glad and happy that you are my mate, I could not hope for a better one." Freya said with a touched smile.

Friollo began to lean in until their lips touched softly. Freya Immediately responded back. Their kiss was full of love and passion and the night was amazing with only the moon and the stars watching them, not to forget the sea, making it more beautiful.

This chapter flattered me. Do you guys want to shed a sad tear at the end or happy tears? /Chuckles;

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I had a lot of thought about this, wondering if you guys will like this Idea since I accidentally deleted the plot. T__T.

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