Chapter 5: Nice to meet you, Honorary Knight

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Amber: Sure

YEE. Void time.

Author: HmMm. More characters huh. This will be interesting. Oh. Gotta make a note about Eula. Not only acts tsundere af, but also raises chin or puts her hands on her hips...Aight. Got it.

Allie: What now?

Author: Hmm? Nothing really. Ah. It's almost more or less the end of Beginner Arc of this fanfic.

Allie: There were arcs?

Author: Well yes. Beginner Arc serves as a beginner for Yap to explore Teyvat, more specifically around Mondstadt and Dragonspine. After the Beginner Arc though, I might put abit of Liyue and Inazuma.

Allie: Interesting... And I assume Liyue and Inazuma will have their own arcs as well?

Author: (nods) And I'm planning to have a further exploration arc as well. One where he explores Teyvat more on his own.

Allie: I see....And how many arcs in total would you plan for this fanfic?

Author: You mean as in how many chapters? I dunno yet as of now. But I hope this fanfic can be completed around 30-40 chapters ish. Maybe a little bit more...Idk.

Allie: Ah. I see.

3rd POV

A few days pass by in Teyvat. Monsters appear and killed, resins used, primogems obtained, and Yap's getting stronger. Not that it really matters.

Allie: OOF.

Anyways, with Aether just reaching Mondstadt, he could see his first city/nation that he saved. 

Swan: Honorary Knight! It's good to have you back. Here to take a break?

Aether: Kind of. (smiles) I'm here to see how things have changed too.

Lawrence: Don't sweat it. Since you're back and all, just relax a little.

Aether: I'll do just that.

Meeting up with his old companions, he talked with them about how his journey has been.

Venti: Woooaaaahhh... You defeated not 1, but 2 Harbingers?! As expected of the hero of Mondstadt!

Aether: Hey. You could call it revenge as well. After all, she took your Gnosis like it was nothing. Though, why didn't you do anything to retrieve it?

Venti: ..... It's not worth it. (whispers) Remember what I once told you about 'above'?

Aether: ....Yeah. So you're...?

Venti: ... Somewhat.  (back to normal) So, do you have anything else on your mind?

Aether: Not really.

Venti: I see.... By the way, there's a new recruit at the Knights recently. He's an Outlander like you too. Perhaps you 2 may have connections? Maybe he could be the key to finding your sibling.

Aether: About that...

Venti: Hmm?

Aether: It was about a few months ago.. I met someone named Dainsleif.

Venti: !!! [A survivor..? Perhaps he must be the one who'll overtake the one above..] I- I see.. Anyways. Remember to check out the new recruit!

Aether: I sure will.


With Yap

Yap: (wipes off sweat) Another day's worth of commissions completed. I should do an inventory check...

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