Chapter 10: Meeting with The Astrologist and Alchemist

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3rd POV

Yap: If you say so.. (gets out of bed to get himself ready for the day)

After doing what needed to be done, Yap went off on his daily commissions to massacre some monsters.

Once back in Mondstadt..

Yap went to the crafting station to craft some throwable potions but someone was already there other than Timaeus.

Yap: ? [Who's that? Let's go over and have a look..] (Walks over to the crafting table) Hello, you're using the alchemy table at the moment? I would like to use it.

???: Oh! So sorry! (Looks at Yap) C-could you please come with me once you're done? Mr. Albedo was looking for you. You're Yap, right?

Yap: That I am, yes. And you're..?

Sucrose: I'm Sucrose. Assistant to Albedo. Please do tell me once you're done.

Yap: Alright. 

After taking some time crafting the potions and what he needed, he let Sucrose led the way.

Eventually meeting up with not one, but two people.

Sucrose: Mr. Albedo. He's here.

Albedo: (turns around) Ah, thanks for bringing him here, Sucrose. You may leave. (Sucrose leaves, leaving him, Yap and the female he was with) I take it that you're Yap, the Snowfrost Knight?

Yap: Indeed I am. (Nods) All I know is you're Albedo. And this lady right here is..?

Albedo: Astrologist Mona. I've called you because there's something both of us need your help with.

Yap: Oh..? Go on.

Albedo: How should I put it...

Mona: Your arrival is rather shocking to say the least. Just a few days ago, I thought the temperature around Mondstadt dropped.

Yap: [So there was someone else who's sensitive to the elements as well? Here I thought Venti's the only one.. and the Archons, of course.] Ah about that...

Mona: It was you?

Yap: Believe it or not, yes. It happened in a domain kinda.. But I didn't expect it'd reach Mondstadt.

Albedo: Most of them wouldn't. But for Vision Holders such as us including Sucrose, those who've used them long enough can detect the temperature around our surroundings.

Yap: I see...

Mona, who started to do her scryglass thing, trying to study his constellation. 

Yap: (Turns to Mona, a confused look on his face before asking her) Mona? What are you doing?

Mona: A Hiems Prunia.. Interesting. A rather fitting name since you're using a Cryo Vision.

Yap: So you noticed.

Mona: Indeed. As the Winter Frost, I assume you're quite alright in Dragonspine? The temperature there is said to be quite cold.

Yap: You need not to worry about me freezing to death in Dragonspine. (Looks at his Vision for a while before looking back at Mona) My Vision somehow protects me from the Sheer Cold there. (Waves his hand) But enough of that. (To Albedo) So, have you collected your thoughts?

Albedo: Yes. Thanks for giving me time. About why we had called you.. We would like to study you. (Turns to Mona) And it seems that Mona's done?

Mona: Yes. But I'll tag along to see what experiments you're planning to run on him.

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