Chapter 78: Leo's Involvement

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3rd POV

Yap: I'll handle it, Grandmaster. Leo won't get away with this. [Leo, oh Leo.. Taking Eula from me in another timeline wasn't enough? Looks like I really have to step in.]

Shortly after Jean dismisses Yap as well, the Blizzardfrost Knight calls for the accused candidates.

Yap: Aiden. Fiona. Lucas. Considering how you're most likely caught red handed now, has Leo also told you what to do?

Aiden, Fiona, and Lucas exchange uneasy glances, their previous confidence evaporating in the face of Yap's direct question.

Aiden: (Nervously) Leo... he just said he wanted to ensure we passed the tryout. He didn't give us specific instructions, but he made it clear that he could help us if we helped him.

Yap's eyes narrow as he listens, the pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into place. Leo's manipulation of these candidates, coupled with his clandestine involvement in the tryout, paints a troubling picture of his intentions.

Yap: (Sternly) You've been misled. Leo's promises are empty, and his actions have consequences. You're fortunate that Grandmaster Jean is more lenient than I am.

Fiona: (Anxiously) What... what's going to happen to us?

Yap: You'll provide a full account of your involvement, and then you'll face the consequences of your actions. But I suggest you cooperate fully if you want to mitigate the repercussions.

With a heavy sigh, Yap motions for the accused candidates to follow him, leading them to a secluded area where they can provide their statements in private. Arriving at the secluded area, Yap has the young ones take a seat.

Yap: So now. Let's get started.

As the accused candidates take their seats, Yap settles in opposite them, his expression a mix of sternness and determination.

Yap: I need each of you to provide a full account of your involvement in this matter. Start from the beginning, and don't leave anything out. Understand?

Aiden, Fiona, and Lucas nod nervously, their eyes darting between each other and Yap, apprehension evident in their expressions.

Yap: Who wants to begin?

Aiden, the eldest among the three, gathers his thoughts before speaking up.

Aiden: It was Fiona who first mentioned the idea to us. She said she heard from someone that if we wanted to guarantee our spots in the tryouts, we could make sure one of the top candidates didn't make it through. She didn't say who told her, but she seemed convinced it was a good plan.

Fiona interjects, her voice shaky with guilt.

Fiona: I... I heard it from some older kids in the city. They said it worked for them before, and they got into the Knights easily. I thought... I thought it was worth a try.

Lucas, the quietest of the trio, speaks up hesitantly.

Lucas: I... I didn't want to do it at first, but... but I didn't want to be left out either. So, I went along with it.

Yap listens intently, his expression softening slightly at their admissions but still firm in his resolve.

Yap: And what about the item I found on each of you? Who provided those?

The trio exchange uneasy glances before Fiona speaks up again.

Fiona: It was Leo. He gave them to us and told us to use them during the tryouts. He said they'd help us gain an advantage.

Yap's expression darkens at the mention of Leo's name, his resolve hardening.

Yap: I see. Thank you for your honesty. Now, here's what's going to happen next... As punishment for your attempt to cheat and sabotage another candidate, you will be disqualified from the tryouts. Your names will be recorded, and you will not be allowed to participate in any future tryouts for the Knights of Favonius. Furthermore, I will be reporting this incident to Grandmaster Jean, and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

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