Chapter 49: Inazuma Shines Eternal (Not?)

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3rd POV

Yap: Gotcha.

At Jean's office, Yap explains to her why he and Eula are going on a trip to Inazuma, informing her how long they may be away for as well.

Jean: I see... You really do have friends in those places, don't you?

Yap: (chuckles) Heh. Perhaps that's just how things are. 

Jean: So. How long do you both plan do be away?

Yap: About that... (closes eyes for a few moments before opening them again) I've no idea.

Jean: Is that so... Seems like it will be quite the problem..

Yap: Unfortunately so.. (sighs) If you can't approve, it's fine though. I'll just send them a letter to them.

Jean: In that case... I'll assume you two will be away for a few months or so.

Yap: (nods) Hmm. Now thinking of it, I think a few months can be quite the solid estimate. Hopefully the Knights wouldn't be too... understaffed by then.

Jean: Now the interesting thing is, the very same few months later, we, the Knights of Favonius will be organizing a tryout. Do you think you'll be able to make it back in time?

Yap: ... I can't guarantee but.. I will try to.

Jean: (nods) Alright. I'll let you be one of the supervisors during the tryout in case if any of those candidates get themselves in danger.

Yap: (nods in approval) That, I can do. However... I can be quite strict with them. The last thing we need is candidates too eager to swing a sword or two and end up stabbing each other instead of the target.

Jean: That is true... But I'll make sure to take them into consideration. It's a second nature at this point for me.

Yap: (Small laugh) Alright. So, back to the main topic. I trust the request is a go?

Jean: (nods) You two should enjoy yourselves while in Inazuma. As for me, I'll try to handle some of your requests. As for Eula's part... I'd say it'll be a bit troublesome. But I'm sure she'll handle things out. So, yes. You two are allowed for a few months worth of vacation in Inazuma. Just try not to cause any problems there.

Yap: (chuckle) Maybe you should tell that to Eula instead of me. I'm joking. If anything my last trip to Liyue has told me, there definitely will be something that's gonna happen there.

Jean: Then I trust you enough to work with the Shogunate there?

Yap: (nods) That you can. [I'm not going to tell Jean the fact I once defeated their General once.] 

Jean: Then that's reassuring. When will you two be leaving?

Yap: (shrugs) I dunno. For a rough estimate, I'd say... within this week or so?

Jean: Alright.

Leaving Jean's office to tell Eula the news, she nodded in response.

Eula: About a substitute leader for the Reconnaissance Company.. Yes. I think I can manage it.


After telling her the news, Eula then promptly went off to where her company is situated at and telling them that she would be away for a while and nominated someone she trusts to be the substitute leader for the time being.

Once that was done, they both returned to Mondstadt to pack their stuffs and whatever essentials they would need.

On the day of departure...

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