Chapter 67: An Interesting Mere Happenstance

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3rd POV

Yap: Alright then..... Let's have some fun, shall we?

A dangerous light glows from his eye briefly, intimidating the ronins and treasure hoarders.

A single leaf falls down to the ground slowly and gently, before Ayato unleashes his Kamisato Art: Suiyuu, while Yap infuses his weapon with cryo.

Once the both of them have finished casting their elemental burst and infusion respectively, Ayato then switches to his Takimeguri Kanka state and unleashing funni blue slashy slashes at the ronins and Treasure Hoarders while Yap unleashes charged attack after charged attack.

Before long, 5 ronins with their Treasure Hoarder friends backup are reduced to cowards now trying to flee from the two Vision wielders.

Ayato: ... As I thought.. Should their numbers start to dwindle down, they're much more likely to retreat.

Yap: I suppose that is true but....

Ayato: But?

Yap: No survivors are to be allowed. This is for the better.

Ayato: I suppose so.. Alright then. I'll turn a blind eye to this.

After Ayato gave Yap the green light, he disappears into the ground as nothing more than a trail of Cryo pursuing the retreating bandits.

As for the bandits, they managed to regroup to catch a breather and reorganize themselves for a while.

Ronin 1: ..Damn. Those two where much tougher than we expected..

TH 1: (Nods) Yeah.. And if I'm not mistaken.. (Suddenly pales) Oh no, oh no. No, no, no, no, no! (Starts getting PTSD) 

Ronin 3: What is it?

The Treasure Hoarders seem to finally realize who they were attacking and all of their faces started paling as if they had pissed someone they shouldn't have.

TH 2: T-t-that man... Especially the one with the Cryo attacks earlier..

Ronin 1: What about him?

TH 3: He's..

Before the warning could be given to the ronins by the Treasure Hoarders, Yap comes out from his alt sprint.

Yap: Why, hello there, fine lads. May I perchance know what you've all been discussing?

Ronins and TH: !! Y-you! How'd you-!

Yap: (Smirks) Never assume you're safe, lads. You know what they say sometimes. "Leave no witnesses or survivors".

Knowing full well what that means, the ronins and Treasure Hoarders prepare themselves for a battle that will be sending a message to the rest of wandering ronins and Treasure Hoarders who may work together in the future.

Naturally, they were all brutally murdered in cold blood (pun not quite intended). Yap purposely had their blood sprayed all over the battlefield to send a message as clear as possible.

Removing the blood away from his weapons, Yap sheathes them back before looking at the corpses with a rather expressionless look on his face.

Yap: [That should send a very clear message. Though if the Tenryou Commission finds out instead.. I suppose it should work too. Now, we play the waiting game and see who discovers this area first.]

Smol timeskip

Ayato: So...

Yap: (Smirks) Don't worry too much about it. Let's just say a... message has been sent. It's up to them now whether or not they can interpret it.

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