Chapter 62: Invitation to Kamisato Estate

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3rd POV

Yap: [Now then... What else can we do to pass time, hmm?]

Considering that Yap's now free for the time being, perhaps spending some time with Eula wouldn't be too bad. Heading back to his residence, Yap asked Eula if she wanted to spar.

Eula: Why the sudden invitation? I don't mind but...

Yap: Well, I figured with all this.. peaceful time, to put it that way, we should continue honing our techniques in order for us to not get caught off guard anytime an enemy may strike us.

Eula: ...That is quite correct of you. Alright then, I'll indulge you this once then, Blizzardfrost Knight.

Yap: (softly chuckles) Is the Spindrift Knight still unable to accept her loss against little ol' me?

Eula: Why you-

Yap: Just joking. So, wanna join?

Eula: Alright. Where to?

Yap: About that. I know a good spot.

Heading to a relatively empty spot, Yap stops before summoning both Outlander's Frost and Eien No Negai, dual wielding them. The Spindrift Knight summons her Broken Pines claymore by her side.

Yap: This place should do just nicely. 

Eula: (Hums a little) Agreed.

The gentle wind starts blowing around them, swirling the leaves around the Cryo Vision holder duo.

Yap: [Seems like someone's enjoying this.] Well then.. shall we dance, my Spindrift?

Putting his right hand which was holding Outlander's Frost at his left shoulder and his left, Eien No Negai, spread out to his front, inviting his Spindrift Knight to a dance. But with swords. Sharp, pointy metals that could end your life if you're not careful with it.

Eula: (smiles a little) Alright. I suppose I should take this opportunity after all. If I'm able to defeat you here, defeating the rest of the Knights of Favonius shouldn't be too much of a challenge.

Yap only gently chuckles in response. 

Yap: Alright. Let's dance, then.

Twirling both his swords around as he walks closer to Eula, the Blizzardfrost smirks a little before he suddenly disappears from his position with a light blue and slightly purplish blur in all directions.

Eula, taking note of his sudden disappearance, grips her Broken Pine claymore tightly, anticipating on where the Blizzardfrost may appear for an attack. For just the slightest moments, her instincts suddenly screams danger, telling her to roll out of the way, which she did, only to see Yap landing afterwards.

Yap: (intrigued) My~ You certainly still have that awareness, Eula. That's good. 

Seeing that his surprise attack didn't work but still managed to catch Eula quite off guard, Yap settles for a one on one fight against her, both of them soon dancing and weaving in their duel. Some of the locals came and watch.

Local 1: Hey, I recognize that lady! She dances while fighting!

Local 2: You sure man?

Local 3: Of course! 


Allie: Author, is this some NTR bullshit I smell?

Author: ...I assure you I do not NTR anyone in this fanfic. By anyone, I mean Yap of course.

Allie: I'm watching..


Local 4: I dunno man sounds like you're stalking her.

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