Chapter 61: A Little Fox

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3rd POV

Author: Art doesn't belong to me btw. Also... (clears throat) Ahem. I'm very aware at the fact I've been... (Looking at  "A Baron's Herrscher") updating that quite a lot. But before you start tracking my coordinate to commit war crimes, let me tell that I was kinda brain dead for this book for a while. In other words, I've no idea how to continue. Well, not really a 'don't know' how to continue. But more of a 'WHEN' I can continue. Since I've to take into factor I'm... (slowly looking away) forced to do my IRL assignments. Look, I'm not embarrassed to admit that. It's just thinking about this fanfic can be quite taxing at times. Don't worry though. I'm resting well. Or as well as I can without fucking anything up. (Claps hands) SO! With that outta the way, let's a go, shall we?

Yap: Heh. I will, Miko. Don't worry about that.

Yae Miko then told Yap to wait a while while she does her thing.

Coming out a few minutes later, a pink fox settles itself beside Yap.

Yap, noticing the fox once it came into contact with him by rubbing it's head against his leg, he looks down, gently picking it up and placing it on his lap.

Yap: (carefully observing the fox) So... this is Miko in her fox form?

The fox then nods at him.

Yap: I see. Well then, Miko. Anything you'd like to do at this moment?

Fox Miko: (fox noises) "Up to you. I, personally would like to see what you'd want to do now."

Yap: That so? 

Fox Miko only nods at him.

Yap: Hmm. Alright then. Hope you don't mind.

Before Miko could understand what he meant, she felt a hand on her head, rubbing it like how one would pet their.. pets. Who the heck even came up with... such words anyway?

Yae Miko's POV


I was not expecting this. 

Or perhaps I should have? 

But do mortals even keep those non sentient kitsune as pets? Much less treat them as one?

Still, I'll admit the fact that being petted like this is quite... enjoyable, to say the least.

Yap's POV


3rd POV

Anyway, with those out of the way..

There was Yap. At the Grand Narukami Shrine. There, he's petting the fox form of the Head Priestess of the Shrine. The Guuji herself. Is anyone around to give a fuck? Doubt so. However, a certain mujina was watching them rather closely.

???: [Is it good to be petted like that? But that would stunt my growth though.. I must resist the temptation! Sleep is important, after all.]

Yap continued to pet Miko for quite a good amount of time to the point she fell asleep on his lap.

Yap: ... [Asleep already? Oh well.]

Yap let Miko rest in his lap a while more.

Yap: [*Makoto. I assume you've seen Miko in her fox form more than once, yes?*]

Makoto: Why the sudden question? And yes. (Notices fox form Miko on Yap's lap) [Ah. I see.] By the way...

Yap: [*Yes?*]

Makoto: Miko wouldn't just let about anyone see her in her fox form much less even let them pet her. So my question is.. Just who are you?

Yap: [*Me? Hmm... Truth be told, even I myself am quite.. unsure.*]

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