Special Chapter: UWWOOOHHH

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Author's POV

Welp. Who would've thought it'd come to this. This chapter will not only take quite some time due to not feeling too well at the moment. (8/6/2022) And also because this is my first time making these kind of "chapter" as you can possibly guess from the title.

Author: Fuck this headache in particular.

Anyway, if you aren't into those kind of chapters, then you may simply read up to a certain part. Not to worry since there will be a warning pic. Once you see it, you may, as mentioned in previous chapter; skip straight to the end/stop reading for a while/if you're... into questionable stuffs... continue on I guess.

I warned you. Don't say I didn't.

*13/6/2022: Much better now. And this book now has reached 10k reads! Thank you all for reading this book!

3rd POV

Albedo: You as well.

Timeskip to Knights HQ

Eula: You finally arrived. Me and Amber have finished our reports. Now it's just yours left.

Yap: Hm. Alright then.

Submitting his report to Jean, Yap also told her some of the incidents that happened.

Jean: A mutated whopperflower mimicking a human.. who would've thought of that.

Yap: It was quite unexpected, yes. But there's no doubt about it now; Dragonspine has gotten a lot more dangerous then it used to be. Security has to be increased around the area but.. well. Lack of personnel means we're really asking for the impossible here.

Jean: Unfortunately that is true. Until Grand Master Varka returns, looks like the situation will have to be put on hold. You may leave, Yap.

He then left Jean's office and went back to the dorm.

Eula: How'd it go?

Yap: The usual. But who would've thought Dragonspine turned into... this.

Eula: Not there's anything we could do about it, is there not?

Yap: ... I suppose you're right after all. By the way Eula.. Albedo did gave me this earlier. (Shows Eula the potion he obtained from Albedo)

Eula: (examining it) What's... this?

Yap: He only said that this potion will... deepen our relationship further. But I think I've an idea of what he meant..

Eula: [W-w-wait, what? Isn't this a bit too soon?! I know back at Dragonspine and all.. it must've been the ley lines there! That's right! It's the ley lines there that caused me to think all weird and whatnot!] (starts fidgeting)

Yap: .... Eula?

Eula continued to fidget more, making Yap wonder what's going on with her.

Yap: Eula? You alright?

Eula: H-huh? Y-yes.

Yap: ..... [Maybe we'll continue this some other day then.]

Eula: Did Albedo say anything else about that potion..?

Yap: [Nevermind.] He did say that we should both drink at the same time, same amount. To avoid any.. mishaps. So do you want to do it now or...

Eula: [What is the worst that could happen, right?] (nods) We'll do it now then.

Yap: ... Okay. [Here goes nothing then.]


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