Meaningless - One-shot

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It was our last day before graduation. The teachers had sent out some sort of form which had the question "What is the meaning of life to you?". We should all fill out the forms and read it to the whole class by the end of period. I was staring blankly at this question, thinking when I experienced life as a good thing for me to write. My whole life I've done everything to satisfy my parents and not disappoint them so how would I know the meaning of life to myself, when I've never been myself? Half an hour passed and by now many students were done with their forms while, I still had a blank page. I just kept thinking back, going through my past 18 years, seeing what I've enjoyed the most so I could write from it.

By the time 15 minutes were left, everyone was done with the form except me so they proceeded to read their ideas. Most of them sounded the same but there was one that stood out to me the most, this one interpretation made me so uncomfortable I started fidgeting after they said it.

"To satisfy our parent's needs, happily"

I felt like vomiting the moment I heard that. How do I satisfy them when all their needs are so sick?

After class finished, I walked back home since I had no classes left for that day. I felt tormented while walking back, the saying kept going through my mind, over and over and over again. I had grown tired of it but also terrified.

By the time I reached home, my parents had started questioning me about everything. I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes while bawling my eyes out. When I accidentally rolled my eyes, my father stood up and slapped me straight in the face. "THIS IS NO WAY TO ACT YOUNG LADY" I apologized and slowly walked back to my room.

I closed the door and took out my razor from under the bed. Contemplating whether it's worth it or not, I cut my wrists and stared at the blade for several minutes. I suddenly had the urge to cut the area which contained the Carotid Artery and Jugular Vein. In biology class, I had learnt cutting that area could make you bleed to death very rapidly.

I brought the blade up my wrist again and slowly but painfully pushed in. Soon I cut it off and it started bleeding insanely. I slowly started feeling dizzy and before I knew it I blacked out.

I saw my whole life flash before my eyes and slowly, they started to fade out and there was pure darkness.

"Life is meaningless"

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