Star-crossed Lovers - One-shot

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"We're not meant for each other." I told her so, as I gazed into her galaxy eyes; shining brighter than any sun.

"Oh my God! What is this we're watching? Why horror? I hate horror!" Lia shouted, hiding her face behind my back as I chuckled.

"You said it was my time to choose," I pouted, turning and looking in her eyes, "You hate my preference that much?"

"No, no, no, no!" She panicked, hitting my shoulder multiple times, "I-It's great! Love horror movies!" She said, her whole body shaking as she stared at the serial killer jogging around murdering people.

I laughed and stood up from the comfy couch, "I'm just kidding! What do you wanna watch?" I said, holding out a selection of disks.

"Romeo and Juliet!" Lia laughed as she threw herself across the sea of blankets.

"Star-crossed lovers, huh?" I said, chuckling as I put the disk in and sat next to her.

She leaned her forehead towards me, resting it on mine, "Another lifetime?" She asked. Hope was evident in her eyes; oh, how I wish I had an answer to give her, any type of assurance.

"Hey kids!" My mom greeted me and my friends as we stepped in, "Dinner's ready, if anyone's hungry."

I kissed her on the cheek as we all greeted her, "Sure, in a second." I run up the stairs and take off my school uniform, putting on a simple t-shit with shorts.

I run downstairs and sit beside my friends, we all chat till dinner is served.

"I got hired at MCU industries!" My mom said excitedly, clapping her hands as she look at us fidgety.

I smiled brightly and matched her excitement, eating the dinner away. My friends cooed my mother, saying she's talented and aces everything.

She got flustered and quickly gathered herself from the puddle of gooey love she became, "You know Mr. Young, right? Isn't it your dad, Elliana?" My mom asks my friend, Lia.

"Oh, yeah." She tensed, her hands balled up in a fist as she forced a smile upon her face.

"He's a mighty fellow! So kind and respectful, you might expect him to hate your guts since your new but he's the kindest ever."

We all laughed and continued eating the delicious food served in front of our very eyes.

"Maybe." I answered vaguely, shaking as I let her go.

"I love you, so fucking much, but I can't help but despise you. You keep following me around, like a damn dog. You wanna know why I hate you so much? Do you? It's 'cause of your bullshit piece of dad!" I screamed at her, looking at her with such hate I never knew I had within me.

"Why would you hate my dad? I mean, I hate his guts, but what did he ever do to you?!" She asked, trying her best to maintain her calm posture but failing miserably; screaming at my face.

"He hurt my mom! He abused her, and hurt her, and raped her. She died because of him! My mother's death was because of your piece of shit dad. The so-called "kind Mr. Young" is the same piece of shit person who ruined her fucking life! And you resemble him so much, I hate it. I hate it so much, that the one whom I love so much, is the same person I hate with all my life," I shouted and cried pathetically, "My mom had to hide all that abuse 'cause she was scared of the power he held. So, if you ever think I can look at you the same again, then don't even fucking dream about it."

I could never do this to her, I watched her face go through a series of guilt, hate, confusion, hurt, but I couldn't bring myself to forgive her. She resembled him so much, it scared me if she were to do the same to me. She'd done nothing but love me throughout the 2 years. It was unfair to both of us. Why was fate against us? Had we not deserved each other?

I loved her in ways no other could, I hated her in ways no other could, I went through hell and back to get her; and I know she did too.

Our families were shit, we hadn't seen what love was. It was brutal and un-sacrificing. It hurt us and brought us through a series of confusion and guilt. But, in the end of the day, we slept in the same bed and bought milk together.

We showed each other what love was, we went through struggles. Life was unfair, life IS unfair.

"I'll miss you." I told her.

"Dad..." Ellie said, holding her hands up as her dad held a gun at her.

"I hate you, Elliana!" He shouted with rage, "You were a mistake. All you know is how to fuck up and ruin my life. I lost thousands of dollars because you reported my work to some shit police officers."

He walked towards her, holding her at gunpoint.

"Mr. Young!" I shouted, running towards him. My eyes red with rage.

"One more fucking step and I'll shoot your good for nothing girlfriend."

"The police are on their way, whatever you do, you'll get to jail. Sir, it's best to just leave us both alone. We'll tell the police the suspect ran away and you can just keep calm and have a peaceful life." I persuaded, looking into Lia's eyes with fear.

"No, fuck you! My life is already ruined, maybe killing her would solve all the bad shit that's happening to me. I went bankrupt because of you, I lost my fucking company because of you!" He howled, pulling the hammer of the .55.

We shouted contemporaneously as he pulled the trigger and shot her in the hip.

She held the right of her hip, near her rib cage as she wheezed in pain.

Her dad kneeled down and pulled his knees towards his chest, hugging it tightly. He was weeping in regret, throwing the gun across the room.

"No, no, no, it's fine! The police is here, the ambulance is here they'll save you! Just, wait a bit longer."

"I know." She said, holding onto me tightly. She didn't wish to leave but she had no choice.

Maybe in another lifetime, maybe in another universe, we'd meet each other and live the "Happily ever after" we deserved.

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