Tomorrow - One-shot

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When did we get here?

We had been in such good terms but suddenly, you distant yourself. Slowly.

Where did we go wrong? It feels like it was yesterday when we were opening candy wrappers and giving each other presents.

Why did you distance yourself? Had I gone wrong? It feels as if I'm the only one keeping us in this relationship.

Will you trust me again someday? I've put all my trust in you but you never returned it.

Would it mean anything to you if I leave? You don't show interest in anything I say.

Should we just break it off? Stop whatever this shit is?

Those are questions I ask myself every day. Am I worth you? Are you worth me? Do we deserve each other?

I can't keep pretending I'm happy with what we have. I can't say what we have is enough. I'm selfish but I want more. I can't say I'm not doubtful of you. I can't say I'm not exhausted.

I can't say I don't love you anymore.

I still love you but I care about myself more. You drag me down, destroy me to my core.

Unintentional, intentional, whatever you're doing... I don't care anymore.

Tomorrow's the day. The day I finally gather the courage to tell you.

To tell you how exhausted I am.

How unloved I feel.

How unworthy I feel.

How doubtful I feel.

How ruined I am.

Tomorrow's the last day.

The last day we meet.

The last day we love.

The last day I'm ruined.

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