Drowning or chaos? I'd never know

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Bubbles, oh bubbles! – they floated above

My eyes stung – trapped like a dove

My head flew on – the water rose

Was I drowning or was it chaos?

I'd look around – so blue, so white

I'd look at the fish holding on tight

The crab would wave and point above –

I'd shake my head – a mourning dove

Doesn't deserve the air in skies

The setting sun – gleefully tries

But undeserving, won't watch it go

I'd rather watch the moon – sorrow

I'd rather be the hate tomorrow

Torture myself till I drown –

I knew long ago, I had lost my crown

I'll frown and go – never look back

The bubbles that floated upon –

They'd stare as I went black

We were too close to the stars~Where stories live. Discover now