Demise - One-shot

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TW: This one-shot has mentions of death, blood, and sensitive topics including alcohol and murder; which could be disturbing for some readers. If any of these trigger u, even after this warning, then don't come running to me, saying it's my fault.

I enter the yellowish-green taxi as I wait to reach my destination. The sky was a calming blue, if only I hadn't been drunk I would've enjoyed it. I felt myself dose off as I laid my head on the window slowly.

"Where to?" The driver asks, her voice dripping a female tone.

I tell them my address, looking over at them. I suddenly notice a shining object the driver was wearing, a watch? It almost looked like the same Cartier watch I had gifted to my girlfriend when we met.

Thinking of the Cartier watch reminded me of Clare, as I recalled her memories.

"Babe, you good? You've been sick all week. Don't you think we should visit a doctor?" Clare says as she puts the cold, watered towel on my burning hot forehead.

"Clare, I'm just sick," I chuckle, "It's probably nothing."

She lays down next to me softly, as if I'll break if she bounces the bed or hits me too strong. I always adored how she cared for me. Whether we were competing against each other in a game of dodgeball or simply cooking, she would always treat me with care.

The memory made me chuckle in my drunken state.

"What the actual fuck." I say, as I walk in on my Clare, my girlfriend, my lover laying in a pool of blood. I couldn't believe it. She had 15 stabs in her back and a bite mark in between her collarbone and throat. The bite mark was surrounded by messy blue blood. I was in a state of shock and felt a sharp pain in my head. My breath got shallow. My heartbeat quickened. I thought about what to do.

"Oh shit, fuck, fuck, fuck. What the fuck. What should I do, what should I do. Ah, call the police you dumb shit. Oh, fuck."

I dialed the police with shaking hands and they rushed to my house, saying this could possibly be some serial killer's victim. A murder case. I looked at her limped body. She looked ruined. It suddenly hit me like train that my girlfriend had died. My Clare had died. I was all alone; again.

I felt myself sadden as I thought of that specific day. I forced myself into a deep slumber, not noticing the uncanny atmosphere.

I slowly wake up with a pounding head, still not aware of my surroundings. My breath smelled like alcohol and I felt sick. It had been New Year's but I had nobody to celebrate it with me, except my deceived girlfriend. A tear fell from my left eye and rolled down to my chin. I tried controlling my tears, reminding myself I'm not home. As I look up from my seat, expecting to have reached home, I see the car as empty. The sky was a weird burning red and orange, it sent chills up my spine. The air felt eerie and the leathered chair scratched my leg. I felt alerted and tried to move, look around, only to see myself bound to the backseat. I tried screaming only to realize my mouth was taped.

I was terrified to the core. Where had I been? Was I kidnapped? Where's the driver? Is he going to hurt me? As I thought about what could happen to me, I felt helpless and only wished for this moment to pass and end.

I try turning my head as I had some space to. I look to my left and see the Sun shining brightly, almost unnatural. I stared at it for some time, not noticing my eyes watering and I look to my right.

I see a girl, looking so frighteningly similar to Clare, my girlfriend. I felt another set of chills run down my spine and arms, the tiny hair on my legs standing out as I stare at her. My eyes couldn't believe it. She was looking out the window, smiling creepily. I look down at her arms, seeing he same golden watch on her wrist. Underneath it, I could see the same marks she had. Her neck still had the same bite mark, surrounded by blue blood.

I give out a few muffled noises expecting her to see me and unbound me, only to see her twisting her neck. Cracking a few joints, her skin white as a paled rose. This was not the Clare I knew. I felt I could pass out at any moment. Her body was facing the backseat door but her head was twisted. It looked disturbing and I tried looking away. She reached out her hands, twisting in the same way her head did, and held my face in her hands. Her teeth were sharp, blue blood dripping from them. It looked like venom.

"Happy New Year's, baby."

She whispered, almost inaudibly. My body was shaking, my hands were out of control. I kept shaking my head, trying to pry her away from me.

Shouting muffled "stops" as if she could understand. I saw her hand reaching her back pocket, taking out a sharp knife. And just like that, she bit on my neck, sucking out blood and gore. I felt all my energy leave me as I went weak. I felt numb. I couldn't feel my body as I rapidly looked around for an escape. What was happening? I was still in a state of shock and disbelief.

Then I thought to myself, was this how I would die? A lonely death by a creature who looked similar to Clare? Was this even Clare? I blinked my tears away rapidly as I felt myself go paralyzed. I froze when she started to whisper. I felt a gust of deja-vu as I realized this was the same way Clare had died.

"Sweet dreams baby."

I hear before everything goes in a series of rapid whites and dark shades of black. At a state of euphoria and pain, I went to my soon-awaited death.

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