Chapter 1

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Draco's Pov.

I am lying on the couch as I watch my wife dusting the windows. She is in a cleaning frenzy again. I smile as I start to daydream about meeting her.

We are 10 almost 11, I got dared to go to the muggle world by some old friends only for them to ditch me, leaving me there lost and scared, not knowing how to find my way back. I can't stop crying; fear fills every inch of my mind. Then she walks over to me, and like an angel she cheers me up, comforting me in a way I never have been before. My first thought seeing her is, 'Hells, she is going to be my future wife.'

The sound of knocking on the front door brings me out of my thoughts, I pick up my daughter who was fast asleep on my lap.

"Oh, I got it!" Y/n announces, but then she stops, "Ah shoot, never mind, stubbed my toe."

I laugh as I open the front door and stop, shocked to see the three familiar faces in front of me. I shift my daughter so she's more comfortable for me to hold as I continue to stare. I can't believe it, Pansy, Blaise, and Theo my best friends from Hogwarts are here at my doorstep. I haven't seen them in so long.

I jump at a hand suddenly on my back, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look over at y/n.

"You going to let our guests in? Or will you let them freeze outside?"

I nod. "Sorry, come in."

Walking into the living room, I look at the mess of toys that were supposed to be cleaned up 3 hours ago.


Scorpius looks out of his bedroom and then runs back in.

"How are you all?" I ask.

Pansy looks at y/n as she looks at me with confusion,

"Love, can you take Star and put her down for a nap?" I ask as I look at the sleeping two-year-old in my arms. Y/n nods, taking Star from me and walking off to Star's bedroom. I go to sit on the couch and step on some Legos.

I wince in pain as I yell for Scorpius, "SCORPIUS! CLEAN YOUR TOYS NOW! If I step on another Lego brick, I am going to be getting rid of them all,"

Scorpius walks out frowning at me.

"I don't have a stick to make cleaning easy yet, unlike you, no I'm not 11 yet," Scorpius mutters loudly.

"Your mother would never allow me to do that, you've got to learn to clean up after yourself. Do you think I want to get in trouble for your mess? Not happening,"

I sit down with Pansy, Blaise, and Theo, as Scorpius picks up all his toys with annoyance.

"Gosh, I haven't seen you all In. Scorpius, how old are you again?" I ask as my brain blanks how old is my son? Gosh, what a terrible dad I am. But I am so tired from work, my boss decided to triple my work today, I don't wanna think at all right now.

Scorpius looks up, frowning at me still, "Almost 11."

"Yes, almost 11 years," I say, as I notice Theo, and Pansy who furrowed their brows in confusion.

"Ok, who's the pregnant woman, also who are these kids? Like, are you staying with a muggle friend you made, or?" Pansy asks, I laugh, isn't it obvious?

"Y/n is my wife, Scorpius is my son, and Star is my daughter. We're expecting twins in a few months, I guess I got a lot to explain," I say, and Pansy nods.

"Uh huh, Astoria's family, especially Daphne, wants to murder you," Blaise says.

I look away from him, remembering how I broke Astoria's heart, her screams, hitting me over and over. When I told her we were over, and that I got my muggle girlfriend pregnant. I guessed her family would want me dead. My parents couldn't care less if I lived or not.

"It was an arranged marriage with her younger sister, I only played the part that I loved Astoria, I was always in love with y/n ever since I was 11," I say, and Pansy looks over shocked.

I can guess what she's going to say next.

"Then why did you date me when we were 14!?" She sounded hurt realizing it was another act I did, just like with Astoria. I do feel terrible for what I did to her and Astoria. I never should have been with Astoria in the first place, I should have said no, but I just followed what my parents wanted.

I shrug, "Look, Pansy, I'm so sorry for treating you like that, you didn't deserve it. I was trying to get over the girl I was madly in love with because loving a muggle was wrong to me, but it didn't ever work. I would skip my classes to go to the muggle world just to see her, I spent most of the summer at her place because I hated being away from her."

I pause, collecting my thoughts on how to explain everything as quickly as I can, "When I was 16 I started dating my wife. 2 years later when I turned 18 I accidentally got her pregnant, and my parents found out and told me I couldn't ever come back home. They can't disown their only heir so I was just kicked out of the house. I left for the muggle world after breaking it off with Astoria finally and moved in with y/n, where I got a job so I could start supporting my pregnant girlfriend, we raised Scorpius together. We got married and bought a house together. We've lived a normal muggle life."

"So that's why Astoria kept yelling he left me for someone less than me," Pansy says and I frown.

"Less than her? Just because my wife is a muggle doesn't mean she's less than her, I think y/n is above her since she respects everyone something Astoria can't do," I was so happy I didn't get into my arranged marriage, I only pretended publicly to love her like my parents wanted.

I realize Scorpius wasn't cleaning anymore but listening to everything, "Hey, no, clean or leave." Scorpius goes back to cleaning as I continue to talk to my old friends, gosh I miss them.

Y/n walks out and starts making some food. I walk over and slap her arse before sitting back down, which earns me a glare I couldn't help but laugh, she looked so cute.

"What a cute face," Y/n rolls her eyes as she tries to reach for something but she can't. I wave my wand causing what she needed to fall onto the counter.

"We get it Mr. Magic you can stop showing off." She then asks Scorpius if he wants a snack

"Yes, please."

I raise my hand, "Me too I could go for a snack,"

Y/n didn't acknowledge me but she got three plates out instead of two.

"How did you three find me?" I ask Intrigued as the question pops into my head.

"Your parents," I looked at Blaise shocked, my parents knew my address. Why are they keeping tabs on me? We haven't seen each other in 11 years. They kicked me out! And they've been keeping tabs on me and my family?

"What?" I was so shocked my brain stopped working, as I was trying to process what Blaise just said.

"We went over and asked them, they handed us your address and now we're here," Theo says I wanted to think they wanted me back home, but I know they won't ever change they're too stubborn. I started to wonder how long they'd been watching me since I left. A few years?

I just changed the subject knowing I'd be on this topic for hours, and I wanted to catch up with my friends' lives, "But enough about me, how has life been for you three?"

"I got engaged six months ago and have been working at the Ministry for five years. Blaise opened a store three years ago but remains single. And Pansy married two years ago and had a kid the same year." Theo says I smile I was happy to see them and hear about their life I truly did miss them. It brings a smile to my face, knowing their lives are happy.

'I wasn't expecting ever to see anyone from my past, I thought everyone would hate me for leaving to be with y/n, I am shocked that they came to find me, did my parents not say a thing about why I left? Of course, they didn't they don't want people knowing their precious bloodline is so-called ruined, I think it adds flavour.'

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