Chapter 40

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I believe some of Dracos friends have been coming over to help him with me

But I don't know for sure

But today the person from the hospital came over and Draco seemed shocked

"Hey Astoria how did you figure out where I live?" Draco says as he sits down on the couch beside me and Astoria smiles

"Oh the hospital told me to come check up on y/n." She says and Draco nods

"Ok well she's good doing better lately, just very sleepy which isn't out the normal since we have four kids it's tiring." Draco says sighing as he thinks of the stress of having kids but it's worth it

Astoria nods

"Oh if you have to take care of four kids and your sick wife I could help." She says and then Pansy walks into view

"No need I'm helping so is Blaise and Theo mostly because I'm forcing them to and they don't want their asses to get beat if they don't listen to me." Pansy says and Astoria nods

"Well ok than but Draco it would be great to have you come to tea at my place some day soon." Astoria says putting a hand on his shoulder and smiling and Draco nods

"Uh sure." Draco says and Astoria starts laughing

"Oh great can't wait dray." Astoria says and Draco nods looking kinda confused "What? I've called you dray since forever why are you confused? I was the one who started that nickname I can call you it." Astoria says and Draco nods

"Uh yeah sure I guess?" Draco says and Pansy walks over and pulls Draco away from Astoria

"So great to see you again bitch now fuck off." Pansy says as she slams the door in Astoria face as Astoria had a face of complete shock "Let's go now Draco your wife needs help." Pansy says and Draco nods

"Please don't pull me by the ear like you used to please." Draco says and Pansy goes to grab his ear but he runs up the stairs yelling don't touch my ears please

Which made me chuckle at it Draco sat behind me using me as a shield towards Pansy

'I just want my memory back I hate how it was taken from me, I just want it back so badly.'

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