Chapter 5

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Scorpius was heading off for his first year at Hogwarts today.

We arrived at Kings Cross station, and Draco led us through the crowd of people, when we got between platforms 8 and 9, Draco stopped us, "We're here, now run through the wall." 

"Are you fucking stupid?" I ask.

"Trust me," Draco says, "Now ladies first," He gives me his arm and I take it, holding Star with my other arm.

Together the four of us ran towards the wall, I closed my eyes waiting to feel the impact of it, but instead, it never came, opening my eyes I see a busy train station. 

"Okay, maybe you aren't stupid," I say, as I marvelled at how we even got here, magic is amazing it still surprises me every day. Star was also marvelled as her eyes were wide and her mouth was open 

"Thanks love," Draco kept focusing on us more than where he was walking which caused him to end up bumping into someone "Oh, I am so sorry I should have watched where I was walking," Draco then looked shocked as he looked at the man he bumped into.

"Malfoy? Draco Malfoy? Wow, I thought you died or something." The man he bumped into says, Draco chuckles.

"No, I've just been living in the muggle world with my family, we're actually helping our son Scorpius who's starting his first year at Hogwarts," 

"I'm helping my godson Teddy Lupin, who is also starting this year." Scorpius waves at the boy his age who waves back, the boy then turns his hair to Scorpius' blond hair and Scorpius gasps shocked.

Star screams shocked, "He dyes hair on the spot Mommy."

"Right, my love this is Harry Potter we went to school together, and Harry this is my wife Y/n Malfoy," Draco looked proud calling me Y/n Malfoy. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Harry," I say putting my hand out to shake his, and Harry shakes my hand.

"Yeah, I'm glad to have met you too, if you can make Draco Malfoy a nice person I'm glad he found you," Harry says and Draco chuckles as he rubs the back of his neck. 

"I'm glad I found her too,"

"Never thought I'd see the day where Draco Malfoy would be married to a muggle, it's a shock," 

"I'm glad I did because I'm the happiest I've ever been," Scorpius tugs on Draco's sweater.

"Hurry it up we don't have all day," Scorpius says and Draco smiles

"I know Scorp let's get going, see you around Harry," Draco says following Scorpius as I walk carefully trying to not bump into anyone.

But that failed as someone knocked into me and I almost fell but Draco caught me.

"Star! Y/n! My darling girls are you both ok?" Draco asks worriedly as the clicking of the heels of whoever knocked into you stops.

"We're fine." Draco takes Star and holds us close as he turns to look at who almost knocked us over

"Astoria, why are you knocking into my pregnant wife? She wasn't even in your way." Draco says, frowning at her. 

"Didn't see her, my bad, but I really didn't know they let muggles in, I thought they used magic to keep them on the side where they belong," Astoria says like she was trying to hurt your feelings like she's a witch and I'm not. I could care less

"Ok cool, I don't think anyone asked for your opinion, I'll look around though and see where the fuck I asked for it, maybe it's in my sock drawer I always lose things in there, or maybe it's on the ground and my baby bump is just too big for me to see over it." 

"So when did you have a kid Huh?" Draco asks, making Astoria frown now almost like it was his fault. 

"When you broke up with me and ended our engagement, I was then married off to someone else, because of you I had to get pregnant while still in Hogwarts. All because you went and got that filthy muggle pregnant. So thank you, now I'm in a loveless marriage because you fell out of love with me." 

Draco glares at her, "One call y/n that again I will curse you. Two I never loved you I played the part my parents forced me to, it was all an act Astoria I was in love with y/n from the beginning of our relationship. Now you are where I would have been if did marry you, in a marriage with someone I don't love, I would have started showing that once we got married, and you would have had to watch me get more and more distant because the girl I love was married to someone else. So welcome to the life I lived before I decided to break it off and leave it for true love." 

Draco walks off not having anything else to say to her, he wouldn't let go of me now even as we helped Scorpius onto the train. 

"Please write home we'll miss you so much," I say kissing Scorpius' forehead, straightening out his robe as he was trying to get me to stop.

"Mom stop, my clothes are fine, you're embarrassing me." 

"Hey, let your mother embarrass you, you're going to be gone most of the year," Scorpius rolls his eyes but he then smiles and hugs Draco and me. 

"I love you both, I will write so much!" Scorpius says, before getting on the train.

"We love you too Scorp have fun." 

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