Chapter 28

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"Oh fuck no." Draco says after Pansy left and I mentioned my idea.

"You would be less stressed Draco, you could finally spend so much more time with your kids."  Draco shakes his head

"Y/n, I get stressed from work so I know you'll never have to do that again, it was fine, there's nothing wrong with being a cam girl or doing porn, but knowing you don't have to be forced into it again, all so we can afford diapers and not lean on mom and dad, it's why I work late and deal with a job I hate." Draco says and I sigh.

"I'm not forcing myself into it, I'm willingly doing it." I say, I just wanted him to be home more.

"No you don't have to go back to that, we stopped for our kids because it's better for them let's not start again ok? Yeah the money it makes you is great but it's not for us anymore." Draco says and he walks off saying this conversation is over

I just sigh as Star runs over and I pick her up as she asks for cookies

I didn't wanna go behind Draco's back but I kinda wanna do that. Knowing Draco could not be stressed anymore? That's all I wanted to do, I hate watching Draco be miserable and stressed every day. I just wanna help him, and so he can spend more time with his kids. I get his concerns hut I'd do anything to help him.

'I could solve so much for us and Draco won't allow me to, ok that kinda sounds abusive, he doesn't want me to and I as his wife don't wanna disrespect what he says, but I know I'd be able to help him and I wanna help him so badly.'

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