Chapter 3

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A few weeks passed

Y/n and I were getting the kids ready to go to Diagon Alley to buy Scorpius his school supplies.

"Now,  Star we don't want you to get cold so keep the jacket on okay? Please stop throwing it." I felt really worried about bringing Star along, she's only two, and I don't know if Diagon Alley would be safe for her, "Star you stay close by Mommy or Daddy OK?" 


"Well, we should get going then." I pick up Star and hold her as we walk out the front door. 

Once we all arrived, I looked at the paper trying to remember where the shops were. Trying to keep track of Scorpius through the bustling busy street. 

As I walked with my family, I couldn't help but notice the stares, wide eyes, and shocked expressions of those around us. It's understandable, considering I disappeared for 11 years and suddenly reappeared. It's no surprise that people would do a double-take upon seeing me.

We went from shop to shop, it took a while since the kids wanted to know what every little thing was. So I showed the kids around the stores as Y/n paid for the items, needing my help as she doesn't know what a Galleon, Sickle or Knut is. 

"Dad, what is this?" Scorpius asked curiously, as his eyes lit up like a child on Christmas morning. 

"That is an Omniocular, think of a binocular but way more powerful for seeing things." Scorpius looked so interested and it made me happy to share the world I grew up in with my kids. I continued to explain item after item as they grabbed something and ran over asking what it was, or what it did. 

I was brought out of my thoughts when someone said my name, and not recognizing the voice I got startled, "Draco?" I turned around to look at who called my name.

"Oh hey, Astoria," looking at my ex-fiancee I noticed she was smiling at me, while I couldn't even muster one and I felt bad for that, I broke her heart and now I can't even smile at her. I then noticed her smile fall when she saw Star and Scorpius beside me.

"Oh is that your son? He looks just like you." Astoria says looking hopeful I don't get why she looked hopeful. 

"Yup this is Scorpius, and the sleepy little Angel is my daughter Star, she takes after my wife in a lot of ways, which you haven't met my wife y/n have you?" Astoria appeared angry upon hearing the name, realizing that I was still with the muggle I left her for. She smiled, seemingly lost in thought, and I assumed it was because of the name Scorpius - a name I had often mentioned as a choice for a son. Astoria had always expressed her excitement at the prospect of naming our child that. However, now she saw it being used by another woman. Y/n approached with the items, and I noticed the weariness in her eyes.

"Are you ok my love? We can rest if you're tired." I say as Astoria was staring at y/ns baby bump

"The twins and I are okay, carrying them is just hard on my feet and my back."

"We really should finish our shopping, we need to get Star down for her nap, and right almost forgot we need to get Scorpius' wand next." Scorpius jumped up happily and started to try and pull me out of the shop "Ah my love please help me I got Star." Y/n walks over and takes Star who clings to Y/n as she gets comfortable, "Hey Scorp slow down." 

"Scorp love be careful please," Y/n says as a reminder, Scorpius looks at her smiling as he nods.

"I want my wand now! I can't wait so hurry it up!" Scorpius says so excitedly and I smile happy that he's so excited, I remember getting my wand and the excitement I felt.

"So how about some Netflix and chill," I say winking at my beautiful wife who rolls her eyes.

"I am pregnant, Malfoy!"

"Hey, nothing can happen."

Scorpius' face scrunches up in disgust immediately, "EW!" 

'I love my family so much, I know Scorpius is a bit upset about not going to a muggle school with all his friends, but he's also excited about going to Hogwarts and he'll make new friends there.'

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