Chapter 13

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I hold my wife's hand as I walk to the Headmistress' office in Hogwarts. It was just how I remembered it, not much has changed. It made me feel nostalgic seeing it again, especially being in Hogwarts again. It felt nice.

I looked at Y/n who looked marvelled at everything she saw. 

"Hello, Draco." I'm greeted by the same friendly face of McGonagall 

"Hi, Professor McGonagall," I say pulling one of the chairs out and helping y/n sit down

"You must be Y/n it's very nice to meet you as well,"

"It's nice to meet you too. So Scorpius?" Y/n asks getting right to the point. I mean I would have gone with a how is your day first but okay. 

"Yes, he and Teddy Lupin have seemed to join forces, and have started to prank the other students, oh Merlin help me when potters kids come here,"

"But like how good are the pranks?" I ask, making y/n hit me over the head

"DRACO!" Y/n yells, shocked I said that.

"Oh if it was harmless pranks I wouldn't really care, would maybe give them detention but that's it, but when they scare students so badly someone falls down the stairs and breaks their arm, I have to call you both here," Mcgonagall says and y/n sighs as she looks kinda embarrassed right now.

"Where is he?" Y/n asks, her voice shaking with anger, I was still just rubbing my head from her hitting me. 

It hurts, gosh she's strong

"In class, I can go get him," McGonagall says, standing up

"Oh please do," Y/n says, McGonagall left and immediately y/n then glares at me

"Hey I like to know if it's a good prank or bad one, it was a simple question." She rolls her eyes at me

When Scorpius came in he tried to run back out to see his mom but Mcgonagall stopped him

"Hi Scorp, NOW WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING MISBEHAVING!!!" Y/n yells and I wave, knowing to just not get in the way of the angry mom.

"Hey, buddy," I say, trying to lighten the mood as y/n continues to yell at Scorpius not happy at all.

"Sorry," Scorpius says.

"You better be scorp, and you better apologize to the person who got hurt," Y/n says and Scorpius nods.

"I know, I feel bad it wasn't supposed to be them it was supposed to be someone else." We all kinda of looked shocked, he wanted to hurt someone else? Why would he want to hurt someone?

"You won't be doing anything like this again got it!" Scorpius nods.

"Yes, mom." Scorpius looked at me who had been silent the whole time, I didn't know what to say.

'I honestly try not to get between angry mom y/n, like that terrifies me she is the scariest angry.'

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