Chapter 42

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When Draco came home Pansy asked him how his date was

"Hey don't call it that I was just catching up." Draco says and Pansy nods

"Yeah? And how did it go?" Pansy says and Draco sighs

"She tried to love potion me." Draco says and Pansy nods

"Yeah thought so toxic bitches don't change." Pansy says and Draco nods

"Yeah lesson learned." Draco says as he looks over at me who was asleep on the couch

Draco kisses my forehead as he smiles

"I love you so much y/n." Draco says as he sighs 'Scorpius will be coming back home soon, and I haven't told him a thing yet, I'll tell him as were on our way back home, but he's gonna be upset I am too.' Draco thinks as he was worried about scorpius and how he will find out about you not remembering your own son

|A few weeks later|

Today Draco went and got Scorpius he was nervous about this

When scorpius walked over he noticed his dad looked upset and his siblings or mom weren't here

"Hey dad is everything ok?" Scorpius asks and Draco sighs

"We'll talk on the way home, first we're going to grandpas and grandmas."

When they got their and Draco explained everything

Draco hugs scorpius as scorpius was crying after hearing what happened to his mom

"It's gonna be ok, she'll be fine scorp I promise, and you can of course come home and see her." Draco says and scorpius nods as he hugs his dad

'I can't believe my mom doesn't remember us, I hope mom gets better soon I don't wanna lose my mom I want her to remember me I don't want my mom to not know who I am, why did this have to happen to my mom? She never did anything to deserve this I hate whoever did this to my mom she's the most loving and caring person ever and now she doesn't even remember me, I hate this.'

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