Chapter 20

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I was eating dinner and Draco still hasn't come out, he didn't even answer me so when I told him dinner was ready

He still hasn't come out so you guess he's not hungry, you just wrapped up his food and put it in the fridge

"Ok Star when your done dinner we'll watch a movie ok?"

"Daddy join?" Star asks and I sigh.

"I don't know hopefully but daddy's in a mood, so let's just eat dinner."

"Ok." Star says and I kiss her forehead

After dinner Star and I just watch a movie afterward I get her ready for bed

Then I go and have a bath once star was asleep

I just sit in the bath tub and stare at the ceiling feeling really hurt at how Draco yelled at me

It almost made me wanna cry right now

Like he's never yelled at all, not even at his most stressful moments, especially after being kicked out from his home by his parents. Not once.

I hear the bedroom door open and Dracos footsteps enter the bedroom

Then a silent knock on the bathroom door

"I'm busy." I say just wanting to be alone from my very stressful day, being a stay at home mom is hard especially with newborn twins and a two year old, and then my husband comes home all moody and upset, making me even more stressed

And then I had to take care of the twins and star alone for the rest of the night. I get it we both got a stressful life but I wouldn't yell at him that really hurt

"Look am I allowed to come in or no?" Draco asks and I sigh

"No Draco just leave me be for now I need to rest." I say so stressed, I had such a bad headache and ache everywhere, and I'm dealing with a bit of postpartum depression from giving birth

"My love please?" Draco says pleading with me to allow him to unlock the door

"Draco I need to be alone for a bit ok? I am so tired." I say feeling so sleepy but try and not fall asleep in the bath tub

"My love if your tired and in the bath tub I'm gonna have to come in." 

"I have a headache please Draco, I just need quiet right now." I say and Draco stopped talking but after hearing him pace for a bit

He left the room, then came back 7 minutes later as I was finally out and getting ready for bed

Draco walks over and wraps his arms around me

"I'm so sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you, I promised when we started dating I'd always treat you like the queen you are, and never hurt you which includes your feelings and I yelled at you, I promised to never yell at you my love, and today I did and there wasn't even a good reason to it." Draco says, Draco kisses me and I kiss him back

"So why were you stressed?" I ask as I was getting dressed for bed and Draco sighs

"Just so many things, people thinking I'm cheating on you with Samantha because she stayed with us, my boss is being extra hard on me lately and Samantha being flirty with me not helping the rumours at work, I just wanna quit I hate my job so much." Draco says as me and Draco lay down into bed and I run my fingers through his hair

Which Draco snuggles close to me and I rub his back with my other hand

"If your really that stressed just talk to me, like I'm here for you Draco." Draco nods as he kisses my neck

'I feel bad that Draco is so stressed at work, but he still has to make it up to me, he really hurt my feelings.'

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