Chapter 31

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Draco had explained everything to you and you were shocked

"So your saying scorpius has an object that can allow him to go back in time." You say and Draco nods

"Yeah and I'm scared of what he could do, like what if he changes one thing and suddenly we aren't together anymore? I can't handle that thought, I need to get it back as quick as possible." Draco says and you nod

"Yeah and what else do you have? An object that can make you fly or something." You say and Draco chuckles

"Well I do still have my broom so yes I do." Draco says and you sigh and try and think of something else to say

"Ok! Well do you have something to turn you invisible?" You say and Draco shakes his head

"No I don't have an invisibility cloak I wish I did but I don't." Draco says and you nod great he doesn't have it but of course it exists

You and Draco walk out of the bedroom and Draco goes and sits with star who was watching tv

"Daddy look they do magic like you." Star says and Draco nods as he looks at the tv

"Huh cool, well enjoy your show." Draco says and star stops him

"I thought you can't expose magic?" Star says really confused and Draco laughs

"Sweetie it's not real those aren't real witches and wizards it's just fake for the show your watching, don't worry no real wizarding laws were broken." Draco says kissing her cheek and star giggles

Draco walks over to you as you were checking on the twins and thank god they were asleep your exhausted

"How about you take a nap my love ok? I'll watch star and the twins don't worry." Draco says and you nod and walk off to take a nap 'I really need to get that time turner back quickly I can't have it in Scorpius's hands.'

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