Chapter 24

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Draco was getting ready to get Scorpius because holiday break started

I was getting the twins and Star ready to go with him, but he was shocked when I started getting ready too

"You know you could stay home," Draco says almost as if he was begging me to stay home, but I'm going to go with him to get our son. 

"No, we're going together." 

"Ok." He kisses my forehead then smirks "What you scared Astoria is gonna steal me away?" Draco says joking and I roll my eyes

"Of course I'm not with how much you shit talk her, I just wanna go is that so bad?" 

"No, it's not, just we don't have to all go, especially with the twins," Draco says as he seems nervous, but everything is going to be fine

"Hey, I said we're all going so stop we're going." 

"Yeah got it, my love." 

When we reached the station again we waited for the train to arrive. When it did I scanned the kids walking off trying to find Scorpius. Draco was holding Gemini in his arms when he finally spotted Scorpius who was laughing with Teddy.

"Hey scorp," Draco says and Scorpius' eyes brighten when he sees Draco with Gemini.

"Oh, I wanna hold them please!" 

"Once we get home, say bye to your friend we need to go," Scorpius frowns as a girl shoves Scorpius as she walks over to Astoria, who I guess is her kid.

Draco glares at Astoria as he helps Scorpius and makes sure he's okay.

"Bitch." Scorpius whispers.

 Draco and I look over shocked

"No Scorpius don't say that," Draco says and Scorpius jumps

"Oh sorry Dad, you uh, weren't supposed to hear that," Scorpius says smiling nervously that we heard him, I'll deal with it more when we get home.

Star is boucning happily in my arms as I hold her seeing Scorpius again. "Me stole Scorpys room,"

"No, you didn't. Dad why didn't you stop at me I'm perfect." Scorpius asks and Draco laughs

"It was an accident we didn't mean to have Star and the twins, just I can't keep away from your mother," Draco says and I gasp and hit his arm as Scorpius looks to be cringing.

"I regret coming home," Draco laughs, almost proudly.

"Welcome home Scorpius you're stuck with us now."

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