Chapter 21

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For the next week, Draco wouldn't stop trying to make up him yelling at me

"Please let me do everything for you," Draco says as he kisses my shoulder as I am trying to make an egg sandwich

"I'm fine I can make myself a sandwich." Draco moves me and then starts making it for me

I give up and just sit down and turn on the TV and just watch whatever is on

Ever since that day, Draco wouldn't let me pick up anything he did it all.

"Draco stop it's okay," I say and Draco shakes his head as he hands me my sandwich.

"No I was such an arsehole towards you and you're going through a lot as well, so enjoy clingy husband Draco," 

"Oh please no." 

"I'm taking you on a date in a few days, we're dropping the kids off at Mom and Dad's and going on a date, they love their grandkids so they won't care," Draco says and I smile, we haven't gone on a date since before Star was born.

"If you want to OK, I'll message Mum." 

|A few days later|

Today Draco was taking me on a date he'd been planning

And he said to take his arm after we drop the kids off at their grandparents' place

He then apparated us away

I fall to the ground when your feet touch the ground again I hate it so much

Draco only has apparated with me a few times, and I hate it

As a kid, I wished to be able to teleport but no it's way too nauseating 

"Sorry if I gave you a warning you'd have let go of my arm and wouldn't have wanted to use it," Draco says patting my back as I throw up,

"I hate it."

"You're so cute you and your weak muggle stomach," Draco helps you up once you finished

"Ok, where are we?" I ask looking around not recognizing where you are

"Well we're in the wizarding world, I thought showing you more of it would be the perfect date since you've never seen it before all of the 11 years we've been married and you haven't seen where I grew up," Draco says and I look around at where we are more

"You lived in a field?" 

"No, and we can't see where I actually grew up because well my parents aren't dead yet," I try my best to look as sad as I can

"Shame really, how old do wizards and witches live again?" I ask and Draco stops to think for a second.

"Like 130 years," 

"Damn you gonna be old." Draco chuckles as he grabs my hand

"Well let's go have fun."

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