Chapter 10

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Draco and I got Scorpius' letter on his first week at Hogwarts.

Draco didn't seem shocked he got in Slytherin or something, I don't quite get it.

"Well my family is all from Slytherin, I was in Slytherin only seems right a Slytherin did raise him," Draco says and I started to wonder if Draco would know what house I would have been in if I did go.

"And what do you think I would have been?" I ask and Draco seems shocked by the question

"I never thought of that. I'd say Hufflepuff, but I'm not the Sorting Hat." I nod, not understanding and ask for an explanation.

"Sorting what?" I ask and Draco chuckles.

"Right I never said that an ancient talking hat sorts us, it's placed on our head and we are then sent to the house it tells us to go to," Draco explains and my eyes widen, a talking hat! Actually, why am I shocked again? Draco can fill a cup of water with just his wand.

"Can you explain the Hogwarts houses? You've mentioned it before." I was so intrigued by a school having houses. and being split into it by your personality. It was interesting 

"Well obviously there's Slytherin the best house, think of me what am I? What traits do I have." Draco asks as he looks excited for me to guess what traits Slytherins are known for. 

"Being an arse? Annoying?" I ask and Draco chuckles.

"Yeah? And now try again." Draco says and I think

"Ambitious, you definitely are that, if you set your mind to something you won't let anyone get in your way to stop you," Draco smirked as I talked looking so proud.

"Yes, and cunning is another trait in Slytherin. Oh, and resourcefulness is one."

"And you just gonna talk about Slytherin all day or the other houses?" I ask.

"Oh right, gryffindork sorry Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw are the other houses," Draco says as he starts to explain to traits of those houses.
I just nodded as I listened to him talk about Hogwarts, he sounded so happy

'I do hope Scorpius behaves in this school, he's always had a knack for getting into trouble, please say he's grown out of it.' Draco pats your baby bump and gives it a kiss as Star pulls at Draco's leg Draco smiles at her as he helps her onto the couch

Star snuggles up next to us as he kisses her forehead

"Hi you two, hope you're being good to Mommy." Draco says as he smiles so happily "I can't wait to meet them."

"Me either."

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