Chapter 16

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A few weeks later i told y/n that Pansy is coming over

"Oh ok." She says as she put The twins in their cot.

"Yeah and Pansy has a kid that's around stars age so she's bringing them." I kiss her neck, wishing we could do more, but we can't. We have our guest and our kids

Which tomorrow our guests parents would be back home so she can leave. And we can have the house to ourselves again, well besides the kids being here

"Ok." Y/n says as I kiss her cheek and I smile at her.

When Pansy arrived I was talking with her, as star was playing with her new friend

Y/n was snuggled next to me resting, when Pansy asks her a question

"Y/n I need to know something." Pansy asks and she opens her eyes

"Yeah?" She asks sleepily and I looked intrigued on what Pansy wants to know

"So your not scared at all? Of Draco being able to use magic and you can't? Like him altering your memories to not be mad at him anymore? Or say if later in the future you both don't work out and you want a divorce, and he love potions you to stay in love with him. Say he cheated and you found out and he just obliviates your memories. I know Draco wouldn't I'm just asking you are not scared of that? Because I know that's why muggle and wizard relationships are frowned upon." Pansy says and I wonder is she scared?

"No I'm not, because I trust Draco wouldn't use a potion or spell without my consent like he gives me potions for my headaches or nausea during my pregnancies, but that's with my consent, or that spell to find stuff or to make the dishes do themselves. I agree to those so I know Draco wouldn't do anything unless I agree to it." Y/n says, and I smile I'm glad she trusted me

"Also shes my soulmate no need to worry about divorce with her we're stuck together forever." I say and y/n gasps making me look at her a little confused why she gasped

"Oh why did he of all people have to be the one I end up with forever, oh, why world. Not him. Please not my husband who I married because I love him so much, oh god no anyone but him." She says, being all overdramatic it was adorable.

'I love her so much, she's perfect for me and I love how made she is for me, like her hands fit perfectly in mine. Her body fits perfectly into mine, gosh I love her so much.'

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