Chapter 36

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During my hospital visit, the healer informed me that y/n appears to be free of any brain damage or concerns. However, using magic on a muggle inevitably comes with consequences, as it is not permitted to use magic on them. I had to go home without her again. As the healer wanted to keep watch on her overnight.

I was making dinner right now as Star kept asking him where's mommy. It hurt as I didn't know how to respond

"Don't worry sweetie Mom is just getting checked out by doctors to make sure she's okay and to do more tests on her, you know make sure mommy is okay to be coming home we'll see her tomorrow OK?" Star hugs my leg and I pat her head

"I want mommy now," 

"I know I want her to sweetie, now let's go run you a bath ok? And then we'll watch your favourite movie OK?" Star nodded as I was just trying to keep her mind off her mother right now, it'll just upset her more and I didn't want that 'I need help I can't watch my kids and help y/n I'm gonna have to ask mom and dad for help because I can't do this alone.'  

After dinner, and our little movie night

I was putting Star to bed "Daddy can you read me a story please?" 

"Yes, of course, sweetie," I pick her favourite book from her bookshelf and start reading it to her

"I hope tomorrow mommy can read to me," 

"Maybe, but mommy will need a lot of recovery so you may need to stay at grandma and grandpa?" Star frowned not happy at all with that "Just for a while sweetie now let's finish this story." 

I read until Star fell asleep then I kiss  her forehead and turned off her light, "I love you star sweet dreams, my Angel."

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