Chapter 17

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Once Samantha left I was kinda happy about that

Like seeing someone from work every day, especially driving them to work and from work

And hearing people ask me what's going on with you and Samantha 'Like I have a wife and kids, I can't be nice to her? Oh, right I forgot I can only be nice to a woman if I want fuck them sorry. Apparently, that's what half my office thinks like honestly, I'm just being a nice person to her.'

"Y/n you want tea? I want tea." I say as she was in the living room watching TV as she fed the twins

"Oh yeah sure thanks."

"Got it we got a lot of tea what kind you want? I'm thinking chamomile."

"Sure." As I made the tea, that my mother in law gave us from her garden y/n says something making me look over, "You ever think I should start a garden like my moms? It would be cool wouldn't it?"

"We get vegetables from your mom already, she always grows way too much so I think he'd have too many cucumbers and tomatoes if you started growing them." Y/n nods now seeing how her mom had too much so then we'd have too much and it would probably all go bad

"Yeah your right." I smirk at that, I'm right huh?

"Aren't I always."

"Sometimes your not right sometimes your left."

Oh my god I love her.

"I love you so much but that was  dumb."

"I know." I frown wanting an I love you too Draco, but it didn't happen

"Where's my I love you too?" I ask, so offended. How dare she

"I love you too Draco."

"Good you better, but then again not much you can love me for anyways besides my cute face, my amazing personality and perfect arse."

"The money your gonna get once your parents die obviously." I laugh well I guess that's one other thing

"Yeah? Well gotta poison them now since that's why you love me." I say obviously joking a bit I sometimes wanted to poison my parents, then I'd get enough money to buy my wife and kids anything they wanted 'Honestly my parents don't mean anything to me they couldn't accept the love of my life, so I don't care about them anymore they are nothing to me.'

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