Chapter 30

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|Scorpius pov|

I show teddy the clock necklace I found in my dads box of stuff

"Your dad has a time turner." Teddy says and I looked confused

"A what?" I ask confused and teddy laughs

"You can go back in time with it." Teddy says and my eyes light up

"I can Huh? Well I gotta try that now." I say so interested like I could go back and see if dinosaurs exist, like yo I can experience history first hand and then ha stupid history teacher I'll be better at history then my old history teacher hell ya "Oh wait how do I go back in time? Do I have to do math to calculate where I'm going? Because I'm dumb with math and I will just give up." I say and teddy laughs

"No I'll help you my aunt Hermione has one and showed me how to use it for when I go to Hogwarts and want to take extra classes that happen at the same time." Teddy says and cool I could see so much of the past

"My dad is gonna kill me when he figures out I took this." I say and I hope he doesn't figure it out at all  so I can put it back at the end of the year without him knowing

|Dracos pov|

"Y/n have you seen a necklace it has an hourglass in it, it is missing and star promises me she didn't touch it, so did you? I don't know maybe you were cleaning and I didn't put it in the box and you put it somewhere." I say hoping my kids don't have a time turner with them because that could be bad

"No but I did catch scorpius in the box and I'm sure he was holding a necklace like that, but I saw him put it back." Y/n says and oh no scorpius has a time turner

'I just hope he doesn't figure out how to use it, or uses it for something stupid I should probably write a letter to Mcgonagall and make sure she can take it from him and return it back to me, because knowing scorpius he's gonna get himself killed with it.'

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