Chapter 26

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The next day Scorpius and I were baking cookies together. 

"Will Dad be home soon?" Scorpius asks and I look at my phone to see if he has texted me.

"I don't know, he hasn't messaged me saying he's on his way yet," I say and Scorpius nods.

"I hate when Dad works late," Scorpius says as he looks at the ground for a second, before going back to decorating the cookie he had.

"I do as well, but sometimes he has to OK?" Scorpius nods  

"I just wish Dad wasn't so overworked sometimes, I hate his job he should just quit" 

"I don't like it either, but it supports us so we have to deal with it."

As I was decorating I felt someone's hand wrap around my middle making me jump, "Boo." Draco's voice says causing me to relax and he immediately notices making him frown, "Dang it."

I chuckle at how annoyed he sounded by me relaxing at his voice, "Anyways sorry for popping in, I just had to get away from Samantha so I hid and then apparated home, what smells so good? Well besides me."

"We made cookies for Christmas dinner with my parents." Draco smiles walks over takes one of the decorated ones and eats it.

"Did Star help? Or did Scorpius get his Mom's artistic skills?" Draco says and I gasp.

"I am great at art you on the other hand not so much." Draco chuckles as he leans closer to my ear

Draco talks in a low voice, "I'm perfect," 

"Yeah, whatever," I say as I try and just focus on 

"You love how I'm so perfect don't you," 

I chuckle, "No I just love you that's all." Draco pulls me into a kiss as Scorpius pretends to throw up like Draco and I kissing is the most disgusting thing ever.

"I need to take a shower I'll be out soon, talk to you later little buddy," Scorpius nods as he mixes the cookie dough 

I smile at Scorpius I sometimes can't really fathom how old he is, Draco and I have gone through so much and done stuff We'll never tell our kids ever, we both hope our kids never find out 'I wish Draco didn't have to overwork so much, I could go back into what I did as Scorpius was a baby but we decided we wouldn't do that when our kids were older, I just wish Dracos boss wasn't so hard on him.'

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