Chapter 7

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I opened the Daily Prophet as I was eating breakfast and had to do a double-take of who was on the front page. It made me disgusted. Honestly, I may throw up my breakfast.

I see my son was spotted in the wizarding world with two kids and a pregnant woman. How many kids does he plan to have? One kid was terrible enough. But now he's having more disgusting kids to ruin our precious bloodline, what is wrong with Draco? I did everything correctly yet he's such a disappointment of a son.

In the picture, Draco was seen smiling as he kissed a woman who I assume is his muggle wife. He held a toddler girl while his I guess 11-year-old son pretended to throw up. It has been 11 years since we last saw Draco. I do miss my son, the last I saw him he was 18. However, he chose to be with that worthless mudblood, so I consider this his punishment. 

The title read Draco Malfoy Was Finally Spotted, Where Has He Been?

He looked happy, which disgusted me. Happy with a muggle? He can't ever be happy with anyone like that. Why her? He had a perfect pureblood fiancee, but no, he wanted the muggle girl. I really don't get Draco and the little rebellious stage he's been in for years, he really needs to grow up. I know this is only to get back at us, I don't know what I did as I've been the perfect mother to him. But it has to be the only reason he got with a muggle. He's so childish.

"Lucius, what do you think of Draco shopping for school stuff with his family, seems his son is a wizard," I ask, and Lucius scoffs, obviously not happy. I am not happy either. Now the whole wizarding world will know what our son did to our bloodline, ruin it with an ugly worthless girl, who if I ever see I will cruico her until she'd rather die than live another second. 

"A disappointment of a wizard he's also not even a real wizard he never will be he's a half-blood. I bet Draco's just hoping by the time they turn 11 the letter arrives and his children aren't magicless. I hope the rest of them are magicless. It will serve him right! He should have thought about that before he went and married a mudblood."

Draco disappointed both of us, I just don't get why he'd ever do this to us. I thought he cared about us, but then he goes and does this? We taught him how life was for us, and he decided at the very end he didn't want it anymore, he decided to be a selfish, childish brat and end his arranged marriage for somebody who is worthless.

"Well he needs to be more careful and not be spotted, we don't want people to know he married a muggle, why could he have just fallen in love with Astoria? Life would be so easy then. He would have been so much happier with Astoria and not that worthless mudblood." We just don't understand what was wrong with Astoria for him to break his engagement off with her, she is nice, a pureblood who came from a rich family, and she was everything we wanted in a wife for him. So why did he choose the poor worthless muggle girl? 'I don't understand him and never will, he should have done everything to make us happy, especially me, I gave birth to him and he does this? I always knew he'd grow up to be a disappointment.' 

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