Chapter 25

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I found Scorpius in the box of Draco's stuff from the wizarding world that Draco kept hidden from the kids, there's some dangerous stuff that could hurt them, and Scorpius knows he's not allowed in it.

But he was going through it even though Draco had said don't touch anything that was in it.

I see Scorpius looking at a weird gold necklace with an hourglass I've never seen before.

"Scorpius your dad told you not to go through his things." Scorpius jumps almost dropping the necklace.

"Sorry," Scorpius says and you sigh you knew one day you'd catch your kids going through the box 

"Put it all away go downstairs to eat lunch, I see you here again I'm telling your father, I won't tell him this time but never do it again." Scorpius nods his head 

"Got it, Mom," Scorpius says and I walk out to be greeted by Draco walking over, I stall him for a bit so Scorpius has enough time to put everything away

"Yes, my love I won't forget I promise, go take a nap I'll watch the kids OK?" Draco says as he slightly opens the door and we see Scorpius sitting down on the chair just spinning around in the chair.

Draco looks at Scorpius confused about what the heck he is doing as he laughs, I also couldn't help but laugh

"Scorp what are you doing?" 

"I wanted to get dizzy and fall off the chair." He says and Draco laughs even harder.

"How about no you'll get hurt, you little weirdo," Draco says and Scorpius smiles

"Thank you, Dad," Scorpius runs out Draco looks at me and I shrug. 

"Is our son okay?" Draco asks.

"I wonder that a lot lately," I pause as I look up at Draco "But we made them so what does that say about us?" 

"That we should probably stop at the twins." 

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