Chapter 23

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|Dracos pov|

I was just staring at y/n as she was getting dressed

And I felt so happy knowing we're married like I always feel disbelief when I think of that fact she actually married me and fell for me

We've come a long way especially me. I've changed so much since I met y/n, I was an annoying arrogant spoiled brat of a 10 year old when I first met her. Now I'm just annoying

"Darling what did you think of me when we first met?" I ask and y/n looks over

"Well you were crying on a swing set because your friends dared you to go to the muggle world with them then they ditched you, and you couldn't find your way back home, so I thought you were upset and I wanted to help you." She says and I smile, honestly that was my worst day ever, now it's my best day ever I met my future wife

"What did you think of me as we hung out more and more?" I ask, when I met y/n I couldn't stay away I needed to be around her, as a 10 year old I didn't understand I was in love after I saw her, so I told her to come to this playground to see me because I didn't understand my feelings and why she made me feel so nervous

She did she came back too

"That you were kinda of an arsehole but a cute one." She says, I nod I definitely am one still, "That one time you went a whole year and didn't come to my place, I felt hurt I missed you a lot." Y/n says as she seemed to be re feeling the hurt as she remembers, I get up and hold her in my arms, giving her cheek a kiss.

"I'm sorry, that was the year I went and dated Pansy to try and forget you. Obviously it didn't work and we broke up. That's when I realized you were the one for me, the one I wanted. Unfortunately I didn't act on it for years because I was scared, you went against everything I knew, then I got into an arranged marriage with Astoria, which I mostly just tried to pretend was you to make it easier for me ." I say and y/n smiles as I kiss her shoulder

"I have to say how you asked me out was the funniest thing ever." Y/n says and I laugh remembering the day I mean it was pretty smooth, so funny? I think she's remembering it wrong

"What it was romantic? Wasn't it?"

"Well yeah but you fell into a pond as you were asking me and I find that hilarious, but the whole owl giving me a letter to meet you at night at the park we would meet at, to have a romantic picnic under the stars was romantic. But you trying to ask me to be your girlfriend then falling into a pond, that was hilarious." Y/n says and I laugh play I forgot about that so maybe it was funny

"Hey it worked I got you to date me." I say as I smile so happily 'I am so glad I left my old life, it made me miserable especially when my wedding to Astoria was closing in, and in like a week I'd have to marry Astoria and never see y/n again, I couldn't do that so I ruined it by saying I have a pregnant muggle girlfriend. And I'm so glad I left because now I'm the happiest I've ever been.'

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