Chapter 33

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Today as I was cleaning up stars toys she left out an owl flew in

Great Dracos at work and an owl arrived with a letter what the fuck are you supposed to do

But it just left the letter on the coffee table and left uh ok that works

I just pick up the letter which was addressed to Draco I left it somewhere he will find it when he first comes home

I just go back to picking up toys star left out, she tried to clean but she's a child it didn't work out

When Draco comes home I immediately mention an owl dropped off a letter and Draco walks over to it and opens it

"Oh it's just trash." Draco says throwing it in and when he left the room saying he's gonna say hi to his kids

I take the letter out of the trash and start reading it

And the first paragraph made me want to burn it

It was from Astoria wanting to talk with Draco

I shove it into the trash and go back to what I was doing earlier

That might Draco and I were fast asleep when we woke up to the sound of something breaking

"Don't say star is up and trying to get water again." I say half asleep and Draco then hears star crying from her room and he started to panic

"Y/n get star and the twins to a safe place I think someone broke in I'll handle this." Draco says grabbing his wand and I nod and walk out and Draco starts walking through the house

After a quick spell Draco figured out where they were hiding and grabbed them and held his wand to their neck as he started to try and look for their wand to see if they have one

"What do you want Huh? My parents send you to try and kill my wife? I swear they better not have." Draco says as the guy just look at Draco wondering how they can get out of this situation

After I got the twins and star somewhere safe you walk out and see what's happening right then the guy pulled his wand out and went to use a spell on me but Draco stopped it

"Knew it my parents did send you." Draco says and the guy somehow got away from Draco and as Draco tried to shoot a spell at the guy who broke in the guy grabbed me and pushed me in front of him making me get hit by Dracos spell

Immediately Draco used another spell on the guy knocking him out as he runs yelling my name


I hurt y/n with magic no I can't why did that have to happen? Why did she leave the bedroom? I know she was probably worried for me scared I would be hurt or worse dead but please say she's ok

I caress her cheek as I burst into tears

"My love no please." I say as I start checking for a heartbeat and thankfully it's still there and she seemed fine she won't die

I get the guy my parents sent out of my house and obliviate him and then run back to y/n and hold her close

Star walks out confused about all my crying and sees her mother in my arms as I cry and she starts crying

"Mommy alive? Please?" Star says and I nod

"Yes she is just hurt star, let's go to bed in mommy's and daddy's room, ok? You'll feel safe there." I say and star nods as I lay y/n on the couch and get star to sleep

Once she was asleep I paced around the living room looking at my passed out wife

After what felt like hours she finally started to wake up

I run over to her side and hold her hand

"My love your finally awake I'm so sorry ok? I was trying to hurt the person who broke into our house not you I'm so sorry please forgive me, I hate myself so much right now." I say and y/n was looking at me super confused

"Um who are you?"

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