Chapter 8

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I was at work when I was told a woman was here to see me.

"Oh, is it my wife?" They shake their head. 

Oh, my mother-in-law

I walk to the lobby but I don't see my mother-in-law anywhere. I kept looking around confused who was here to see me then.

"Ok, maybe I should have asked for more of a description," I noticed somebody in the crowd of people which confused me even more, it was my mother. I should be shocked, that she knew where I worked, but I remember Theo told me how they are keeping tabs on me. So, of course, they know where I work.

I walk over to her and sit down in the chair next to her. I cross my arms already annoyed, "What are you doing here?" 

"To ask you a few things." 

"You have 5 minutes, I gotta get back to work I need to get off early to pick Star up from her grandparents," My mom cringes a bit, which of course she does, she's just like my father.

"Your father and I have come up with an idea, you give us one pureblood grandchild which we will raise away from you and your family, and you get to come back home." My mother says and I scoff.

Excuse me what? 

"You want me to cheat on my wife? Ruin my marriage so you and Dad can be happy with your lives? Sorry, you and Lucius. I won't even call you both mom or dad you don't deserve it." I say as I frown at her.

"Yes," Narcissa says.

"No, I don't see you both anymore, so why would I want to make you happy?" I say, and Narcissa looks shocked.

"Why couldn't you have just stayed with Astoria to make your father and me happy?" I scoff at her, how dare she say that?

"Because being with y/n makes me happy, and I realized my happiness is more important than yours." Narcissa frowns, but my phone rings and I pick it up and see y/n is calling me.

I answered smiling, "Hello my love, what do you need?" 

I hear her crying, and panic fills my vines at the sound until I hear her speak, "We're out of chocolate mint ice cream, and that's all I wanted." 

I had to suppress a laugh.

"Don't cry, I'll pick some up at the grocery store on my way home with Star. If you really need it right now and can't wait, I'll text Mom or Dad to get it, OK?" I say, Narcissa looks disgusted I called y/n's parents Mom and Dad. 

They took me in when I was kicked out of my house, they helped me get a job to support my family, and they took care of me, they deserve the title mom and dad.

Y/n and I talk for a bit more before I hang up. 

I stand up, "Well, I must go back to work, never come and see me again, also stop stalking me, I know you and Lucius have been keeping tabs on me, I want you to stop and stay out of my life forever," I say as I walk away. Hoping to never see her face again.

'I never wanna see Narcissa or Lucius again. Unless it's them apologizing, ready to accept my family. Otherwise, they can die for all I care.'

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