Chapter 19

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I smile when Draco I hear the doorknob click signalling Draco is home from work. I still get so happy and excited when he comes home from work, like a love-sick puppy. 

I then noticed he wasn't happy at all, he slammed the front door closed and just walked to the kitchen, he threw his work bag on the floor,

I hold Gemini as I walk over as he is making himself some tea and eating one of the cookies Star and I made today

"You're angry what's wrong?" I ask causing Draco to look over noticing I have been in the room the whole time.

"I'm okay," 

"Yeah, I can so tell." Draco shrugs me off which hurts a lot.

"You want some tea or something?" I shake my head.

"I'm fine." Draco nods as he slams the cupboard shut making Gem cry, "Yeah can tell you're okay, what the hell happened at work?" I ask and Draco sighs with annoyance

"Can you just leave it? And shut up? I'm fine." Draco says yelling at me, and I frown at him. I was not going to accept him talking to me like this.

"I can so tell you're ok, your not the only one here who gets stressed! I get stressed, and I don't yell at you. Also, stop slamming shit I just got Leo to fall asleep." I say as I walk off I can't be around him right now. Draco goes and locks himself in the computer room

I just calm Star and Gem down since Draco slamming stuff scared them.

Thankfully Leo stays asleep so I don't need to calm down three kids, I couldn't handle it right now

'I don't know what's got Draco all stressed but he doesn't need to yell at me, like he's never yelled at me before even when he's stressed what is going on?'

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