Chapter 32

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|Scorpius's pov|

|Written by LilithlilaK|

|Sorry if it's bad maya was busy so I wrote this and I suddenly had to quickly finish it because I had to go somewhere, so sorry if it feels rushed at all or isn't good|

Me and teddy decides to go back in time we didn't know where we'd end up but I wanted to try it

So after dinner we were gonna do it it teddy chickened out so I went alone

And I was in Hogwarts but not in my dorm but the entrance to the library

I walk in and immediately I see my dad next to some girl who was clinging to him as he looked annoyed

I trip and fall to the ground making everyone look at me

"Yo kid you ok?" My dad asks and I look up at him and he looked confused "Wait he looks like me doesn't he?" My dad says and I smile

"That's because I'm your son from the future I stole your time turner and now I'm here." I say and the woman smiles

"Oh our future kid Draco isn't he adorable." She says and I looked at her confused Uh that's not my mom because my moms a muggle

"Who are you?" I ask and my dad smiled slightly when I said that

"Astoria your mother do I look different or something?" She asks and I just nod as I looked at her obviously pretending to know who she is, like I know Astoria is my dads ex but I gotta pretend that's my mom not to mess up the future right?

My dad smiled slightly realizing Astoria isn't my mother and I bet he's thinking he gets with my actual mom which yes he does

My dad hugs me happily as he looks around and sees no one else in the library good

"Now you go back to your time ok? No going anywhere else ok? I bet me and your mother are worried."  He says and I smiled happily as I nodded and Astoria looked so happy like I confirmed her and my dad stay together

Which no I confirm they both don't stay together and now dad knows that

"Dad how old are you?" I ask and he looked confused but just smiled

"I'm 15 almost 16." He says and I smile

"Oh good 2 more years and I'll be born." I say and Astoria gasps

"Really I'll be pregnant when I'm 15 Draco how could you." She says and dad nods knowing it's not her he gets pregnant

"So when do I get with her?" Dad whispers so Astoria can't hear

"You'll see soon." I say and I hug dad and then leave but before I left I heard dad saying obliviate as I saw him pointing his wand at Astoria

But when I open my eyes I see my parents both of them at a park

And my mom was pregnant with me so dads left his family

He looks and sees me and sighs oh he still remembers

But then mom looks over and sees me

"Hey you need help?" She asks and dad sighs

"No I met him before that's the kid your carrying right now my love he's from the future, I told you go back to your time really?" Dad says as he walks over and starts turning the time turner as I told him my present time

"Hey look I missed set the time." I say and dad sighs

"What?" Mom says and dad sighs And takes his wand out of his pocket

"I can't believe your making me do this your gonna be a pain in my ass one day." Dad says and I nod

"Yeah I try." I say and dad sighs

"Great now I'm gonna obliviate us both y/n one second." Dad says as he looks at me "You never tell your mother I ever used magic on her ok? But because your here I now have to, so never tell her I used a spell on her ok?" Dad says and I nod and he spins the necklace as I leave as I heard the words obliviate again

And then I wake up and teddy helps me up

"You ok?" He asks and I nod

"Yeah that was fun." I say and teddy laughs 'Well guess now I know why dad didn't hide the time turner better, because he doesn't remember I went back into the past well I'm dead once I get home if he finds out I took this.'

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