Chapter 48

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When we got home I rested on the couch when I ask Draco about my dream

He stopped making my tea and looks at me

"Can you tell me about it again?" He says almost in disbelief and I tell him about it again as he holds my hand

"I don't really understand it." I say and Draco smiles

"Well that's because it actually happened that was a memory not a dream." Draco says and I looked shocked "Your memories are coming back." Draco says as he starts crying tears of joy so happy that finally my memories are coming back

"I hope so."

|A few weeks later|

Draco and I are dropping scorpius off at the Hogwarts train as he's going back for his second year

"Don't get in trouble." Draco says and scorpius nods "I need to watch over your mothers recovery ok? So behave." Draco says and scorpius nods

"I got it dad." Scorpius says as he hugs me tight "I hope when I come back after this year you'll remember me." Scorpius says and I smile

"I hope so to scorpius." I say as I kiss his cheek and scorpius looks over and sees Stella looking at him and when she realizes her face turned red and she looked away

I noticed as scorpius was confused I heard of her bullying and now she what? Crushes on him? Well this is gonna be interesting to watch from the side lines

Scorpius looked clueless on what was going on and Draco was just oblivious

"Have fun Scorpius." I say kissing his cheek and he nods and walks off to go on the train 'I feel like I'll be hearing a lot about how weird that girl is acting around him now, oh well Draco may not like how his ex fiancées child is having a crush on our child, but well can't stop peoples feelings.'

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