Chapter 44

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Today Draco was showing me our wedding pictures

"Had to say you pushing me into the ocean behind us as the picture was being taken to make for a funny picture to show scorpius when he's older, was well my third best part of the wedding." Draco says and I chuckle as I see me shoving cake in his face with such a happy smile

I lean your head on Draco's shoulder as I smile so happily at the pictures some were moving others were still

"The second was the cake probably and the first was of course you becoming my wife." Draco says and I smile at him with my wide happy smile he was so adorable I can see how I fell for him and married him

Draco showed me every wedding album then moved on to the baby albums

Draco really takes a lot of pictures

"Do you like taking photos?" I ask and Draco nods

"Yeah it's calming and nice I like to capture family moments so I would take so many, haven't had the time lately or well for the last few years." Draco says and I nod as I see some I must have took because one of the moving pictures

Was Draco trying to change a diaper holding his nose as he looked like he was about to throw up from the smell

And another one of Draco laying on the floor done as toddler Scorpius was jumping up and down on the bed screaming

I giggle and Draco smiles so happily he hopes these would give me some kind of memory jog but it seems nothing

"I'll bring your memory back I promise." Draco says and I smile at him as I snuggle closer to him

"It's fine Draco even if my memory is gone I know I still love you my feelings never left, just everything is blank in my mind." I say and I was just confused at first but I know I love him

Draco nods as he smiles

'Draco and my kids don't deserve this, I need to get my memory back quickly but I can't force it.'

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