Chapter 6

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The next day I had woken up earlier than Y/n and made breakfast.

Even if I have work today I will try and make breakfast if I can. But as I was cooking tiny arms wrapped around my leg, looking down I see a sleepy star clinging to my leg.

"Hello my Angel, breakfast is almost done, yes, I put chocolate chips in your pancakes," Star nods as she yawns, I pick her up and put her in her high chair. Then went back to making breakfast.

I got one of the fancy plates out and put Y/N's breakfast on it, setting it down on the breakfast tray, I carefully walked to our bedroom and gently woke her up.

"Hmm? Draco?" She says sleepily rubbing her eyes, when she is awake enough to register what I am holding she looks shocked, "Oh my god, Dray," She starts crying as I set the tray on her lap "Stupid pregnancy hormones I'm sorry."

"My love it's fine now you should eat, the twins must be hungry," I then hear Star calling for me in the kitchen.

"I want my food please," Star says in a very demanding voice.

I walk back to the kitchen and give Star her food, helping her when needed. Right as I started pouring Star some more orange juice my phone went off.

"Draco Malfoy speaking." I frown as it's just my work calling for me to come in early "I can't come in right now, I have to get my daughter ready for the day." My boss just tells me how Y/n can do that and he will be seeing me soon, "No I have to my wife is resting today, I'll be at work at the normal time since I have to also get my daughter to her grandparents' house, yeah see ya then bye-bye."

I hate my job but it pays well for my family, and it supports us so I deal with my annoying boss who makes me come in sometimes at 5 a.m. 2 hours before I start.

"Hey my Angel, gonna finish your breakfast up? So I can take you to your grandparents for today." I say as I smile at Star I really was fine with how my life turned out, at first I had trouble adjusting to the muggle world, and my pregnant girlfriend and then  adjusting to being a dad and a job, I was thrown into so much I was so stressed, 'Even though I was stressed I am glad I pushed forward because I have the best life ever.'

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