Chapter 41

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|Dracos pov|

After work today Astoria invited me over for tea at her place

And I had asked if I could bring my wife

But she told me no y/n should rest and I don't want to stress her out at all which was nice of her I think?

I was leaving work when I got a text from Pansy saying don't go she's a bitch

Which I wanna believe everyone can change and maybe her seeing me again made her angry because it reminded her that I hurt her which I probably did

I pretended to love her just to break her heart so obviously I was a bit in the wrong

So I'll try my best to forgive her

I arrive at Astorias place and knock on the door she immediately opened the door and smiled

"Oh come in." She says and I nod and walk in but immediately my phone went off and I quickly answer it

"Hey pans is y/n ok?" I ask walking away from Astoria and she looked confused at what I was holding

"CAN YOU HEAR ME DRACO?" Pansy yells and I sigh she's been using my wife's phone and really hasn't gotten the hang of phones yet

"Yes pans you can just speak normally into it you don't need to yell it's fine." I say and Pansy just asks me where to find certain things and I explained where to find them

I then hang up as Pansy tells me again to just come home and not stay around miss bitchy witchy which i just hung up and apologize to Astoria

"It's fine come sit down." She says smiling at me and I nod and sit down on the couch as she hands me a cup of tea

Which I hold it and not drink it right away as me and Astoria just talk for 30 minutes about stuff and she didn't seem like a bitch she seemed worried for y/n, and wanted to know all about mine and y/ns relationship so I told her

"Are you not thirsty? You should drink your drink." She says and I set it down

"I'm good right now." I say and she nods "Oh so where's your husband I'd love to meet him." I say and she chuckles

"Work probably that's where he said he's going." She says and I nod she's not sure? Well ok not my marriage that's ruined that's her problem

"Oh you should really drink your tea before it gets cold." She says and I pick it up and sniff it

What is this smell? Is this raspberry, vanilla and is that the smell of lavender? Weird that's what y/ns perfume smells like

I love it so much it smells so sweet just like y/n

Wait just like y/n.....This just smells so much y/n

"Question Astoria what tea is this? I'm allergic to certain types especially anything with raspberries in it." I say and she nods

"Good thing it's mint tea Draco." She says and I nod

"Yeah? So why my tea smell like raspberries this isn't regular mint tea is it?" I say glaring at her and she smiles nervously

"I'm sorry maybe the house elf's made it wrong I'll get you a new one." She says and I nod and as she was gone she left her coat which don't know why she brought a coat, so I grab it and find a bottle of love potion in one of her pockets

When she came in I hold up the vile

"You forgot something?" I say and she didn't know what to say and looked really shocked "Lesson learned toxic people won't ever change, they just pretend to change but really they'll always be toxic forever won't you Astoria." I say and Astorias eyes widen as I push the potion into her hands and walk off

"No draco wait that's for my husband so he'll finally love me." She says and I roll my eyes

"My tea smelled just like my wife there was a love potion in that tea, but go and use it on your husband so you can finally experience love, even if it'll be fake that's all you deserve." I say as I then leave and apparate home 'I should have never gave her a second chance because toxic people can't ever change, especially not in a month what was I thinking? She was rude to my wife only a few months ago and suddenly I think she changed? No never she'll never change.'

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