Chapter 27

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Today Dracos friend Pansy came over she was asking question about the year scorpius was born

Pansy and Draco were catching up again and talking when you joined and she started asking questions

"Did you work y/n as scorpius was a baby?" Pansy asks and I nod remembering what I used to do.

"Uh yeah." I say and Draco looked worried I guessed from how Pansy may react to it.

"What was it? I'm just wondering." I look at Draco who shrugs

"No need to be ashamed of it my love." I take a deep breath, Draco knew I'm ashamed of it, but he always tells me that there's nothing to be ashamed of, I had to do it for scorpius so we didn't have to rely on my parents

I take a deep breath before finally able to find the words, "I was a cam girl, I used to fuck myself online for money."

"Oh." Pansy looked shocked which is understandable, it's not every day you hear that.

"Sometimes I'd be having sex with her, but I didn't really wanna appear as much, so there was a goal to get me to join, I said behind the camera I'd only appear if someone paid me a hundred thousand dollars, surprisingly they did, so that was the donation goal each time to get me to appear." Draco says and Pansy didn't fully understand but understood enough.

"So why did you stop?" Pansy asks, I get asked that a lot, I was making a lot of money, more then we do now, but I had to be a mother first.

I was going to reply but Draco replied after then me, "Our kids, when Scorpius got older around 4 we stopped, it was for his best interest."

"Scorpius was just our main priority." I sometimes wonder if I should start again Draco needs help, my small business is great, but I know camming could bring in even better money for us.

I know Draco wouldn't want me to do it again, he barely agreed to it when I first did it, only reason he did was really Scorpius is a baby and we both need to support him without my parents help. Of course Draco had fun with it, and I got used to it where I didn't mind, it was my job and I did it.

'I need to talk to Draco about this.'

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