Cold Hard Truth

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My dearest Julie,

It's been a while I know. Nearly a decade I reckon. I'm really sorry for not reaching out to you before dear, I was too busy running like a madman trying to catch up to life, you know the usual drill. Not quite there yet, but I had to write to you so that you avoid the biggest mistake of your life. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Do you happen to remember Susan Campbell neè Thompson?

She moved to Summersville a few years back and she said something about recieving a Wedding Invitation from you yesterday.

It is about time you got a ring on those pretty fingers.

I didn't recieve mine yet. Maybe it got lost in the mail, you know how bad the post service is in this part of the country. Or maybe you forgot to send me one, no hard feelings dear these things happen and it has been years anyway, who can blame you.

I completely blame Gregorry dearie. It is simply impolite to not invite the woman you almost married, the woman who made countless sacrifices for love always putting you first, to your wedding don't you think?

But of course I would never expect any thing more from that worthless scum bag.

So now we come to the purpose of this letter my dear. As you might have already gathered your husband to be was very closely acquainted with me for quite some time.

I want you to know that this letter is not motivated by jealousy or venegence and I am simply stating facts. Of course how you choose to deal with them is completely at your disposal and not something I have the right to dictate or judge.

I just feel that I owe you this revelation before you commit yourself to Mr. Hyde for the rest of your life, after all we were bestfriends for more than a dozen years were we not?

So where do I start?

Summer after college I was young and naive, desperately looking for work. You know around the time when the lies that they fed you about how a college degree makes employment easier start to wear you down while your scavenging for Gold in garbage dumps like a monkey.

Eventually, I found my dream job. New York city, working in one of the best firms in the country. Everything as far as my eyes could see was glamour and glitter. I was leading the best life ever. Of course dearie, when you rise you fall. And the fall is never even half as graceful as the rise.

My fall was Greggory of course. But I didn't know it at the time. Covered in the glittery haze he looked just as fine as a Prince Charming, oh how I regret not seeing things clearer.

I first met him at a Gala orgarnised for an older manager's retirement. It was quite a boring affair if you ask me but I was trapped there with no way out as my presence was an undeniable part of my job.

So in came Mr. Knight in Shining Armour, full-package with jokes and booze in tow. He was charming and witty, the man could outsmart a fox with that silver tounge, not to mention undeniably handsome. Of course I fell for it.

Before I knew it I was agreeing to catch a coffee break together. And then another. And another. You get the picture don't you dear? We went on date after date to the beach, movie theaters and even camping. It was fun, I won't deny it.

But then again that's all he is good at the fun stuff. A immature man-child, I pity him sometimes.

The first year sailed smooth enough. And then half way through the second we talked about moving in together. By the end of that year I sold my apartment and moved into his, stupidest descision I ever made.

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