Meeting the Parents

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It had been a month since Jasmine accepted Joe's and Dwayne's proposal and she was so excited. The first thing she did was tell her parents. She called them via FaceTime.

"Hey mom, hey dad" Jasmine said when they answered.

"Hey baby! How are you?" Her mother asked, happy to her from her daughter

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"Hey baby! How are you?" Her mother asked, happy to her from her daughter.

"Oh mom, I'm wonderful", Jasmine sighed dreamily.

"That's good baby!" Her father said.

"You know your sisters and brother miss you and we're wondering when you were coming to visit? Her mother said.

"Tell then they will be seeing me a lot sooner than they think" Jasmine responded.

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Because I have great news for the both of you" Jasmine started, "While here in Florida, I fell in love and now I'm engaged", showing her ring.

"Because I have great news for the both of you" Jasmine started, "While here in Florida, I fell in love and now I'm engaged", showing her ring

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Jasmine's parents were so stunned, they couldn't speak. After a few tense moments, her mother finally spoke.

", who is he?" She asked, shocked at this announcement.

"Well, mom..." Jasmine started. "It's not a he."

"Ok....if it's not a he, then is it a she?" Her father asked, curious.

"No dad, it's more like a they." Jasmine explained.

"They?!" Her parents said together. "As in more than one?"

"Yes. I'm engaged to two men."

"So...let me get this straight", her father asked, clearly confused. "You are engaged to TWO men, at the same time? Do these guys know about each other?"

"Yes, they are Samoan and apparently it is normal in their culture for two men to share the same woman." Jasmine explained.

"Hmph....well it ain't normal in our culture." Her father scoffed.

"Now Marvin". Her mother said.

"Well it ain't Elizabeth. I mean, whoever heard of TWO men knowingly wanting to marry the same woman. I mean, like, who does that?" her father said angrily.

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